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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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06 Nov 2011, 11:47 pm

When I go to eat, it takes me forever to get ready to eat. Then, eating, itself, takes me forever.

When I eat chicken, it has to have the skin on it. I only eat the skin, not the meat. Unless the meat is the meat nearest the bone where it is most tender. When eating most meats that have fat on them, I pretty much only eat the fat because I like the texture and taste of it better. The meat just seems tough to me.

When eating Hot Pockets, I eat the filling but not the outer pocket of it. I dip nearly everything in ranch dressing. I LOVE that stuff!

Also, when I eat fried shrimp or onion rings, they have to be batter-dipped and fried, not rolled in dry stuff and fried. They have to be shiny and smooth, not flaky.

Also, I will not eat Jolly Ranchers because they are rectangular and i can't stand how the sharp edges hurt my mouth. When I eat a regular size Butterfinger candy bar, I eat it in layers. First I eat the chocolate off of it and then I work on the rest of it, layer by layer. A butterfinger usually takes me about a week to finish eating. I eat all candy bars in layers like that. It even takes me an hour to eat a Kit-Kat bar!

I'm even weird about McDonald's french fries! I will ONLY eat the really soggy ones or the really crunchy, tiny ones. So, when I get an order of fries, maybe only 15 of them will be good enough for me to eat. I end up giving the rest of them to a friend eating with me or throwing them away.

In other words, I tend to only like parts of foods, rather than any food as a whole. My whole life, my family and friends have always found me very strange for being this way. I was wondering if anyone else has any similar food interests/obsessions/preferences/etc.,

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07 Nov 2011, 1:37 am

First off....obviously you've never had my chicken....seriously though, yes, I have some odd food issues. I eat fast however. 100 grand bars I eat all of the chocolate off of. I prefer to prepare my own food, much of it from scratch. However, I'm also a fan of eating the same thing for days on end, so generally I'll make a lot of it and just keep eating it over and over as on some of my dishes the prep time alone can be 2-3 hours of constant work. I was really bad about eating things in sequence for a long time too.


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07 Nov 2011, 2:10 am

I foresee a heart attack in your future.

I eat none of that. I eat boneless, skinless chicken and remove any visible fat. I usually grill or bake it. On rare occasion I have fried chicken but I usually just pick the fried bits off the skin, eat the chicken, and discard the skin.

I don't eat hot pockets, or shrimp, and I rarely dip anything but salad in ranch dressing.


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07 Nov 2011, 2:54 am

"Outsiders" consider my eating habits strange, but my family are used to it.
I eat the same thing every day until I am sick of it, then I move onto something else and eat that over and over again.


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07 Nov 2011, 4:30 am

I ate a snail once, it that weird?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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07 Nov 2011, 10:12 am

@Mike and Guinea: I also tend to eat the same thing for days on end. I'll make a crock-pot of roast, or chilli, or vegetable soup and I'll just eat it for every meal until I run out or get sick of it. If I had access to it, I would eat Chinese food every single day.

I have always ate my foods in sequence.

I am beyond so happy you guys have similar eating habits. All my life, I have felt so out of place and so different for the things I eat and how I eat them. It's so reassuring to know there are other people who eat the same way. I don't feel as alone now.


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07 Nov 2011, 10:23 am

Ashuahhe wrote:
I ate a snail once, it that weird?

not really, there is a certain nationality that eats them somewhat regularly. i always eat my sandwiches in circles around the circumference, so i can get the yucky crust out of the way so as to better enjoy the yummy soft middle undistracted by bites of crust. i must have cheese with 90% of whatever other food i eat, the only exceptions are rice and tuna, seaweed and furikake, which cheese just doesn't go with. almost all my food has to have some kind of carb [oatmeal, cous cous, rice or corn], some kind of fat [cheese], some kind of sauce [usually a mix containing tomato sauce or creamy broth of some kind] and some kind of protein [beans, tuna/salmon, TVP, soy]. i cannot handle bland food at all, it makes me want to close my mouth and keep it closed until such bland food goes away. i must always clean my plate or bowl, i can't stand the thought that the tiniest morsel is going to waste, so i always use a scraper on my dishes to scrape out the last bits of food. it makes washing dishes easier, most of the time i can just lick 'em clean and rinse 'em with a bit of soap and water. i know the rest of ya out there are collectively going :eew: if any food has even a trace of olive in it, i can't eat it, olives make me retch, they are just so bitter and metallic to me. YECCH!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Nov 2011, 12:53 pm

@Auntblabby: That is exactly how I eat my sandwiches and why I do so. I absolutely hate the crust and as a child, I refused to eat the crust. But as I grew older, I learned to just deal with it and as a way of doing so, I eat the crust first first to get it gone. And yeah, I also eat my sandwiches in a circle. I eat burgers that way as well.

I can't do coconut. I love the smell of it, but I can't eat it or anything containing it. I just can't stand the texture of coconut in my mouth.


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07 Nov 2011, 1:42 pm

i save the crust often, for filler in my goulash. as for coconut, i agree that the texture is akin to bits of string in my mouth, but for some reason i tolerate it. i like to rinse it out though, with a drink afterwards.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Nov 2011, 11:01 pm

That's a good idea about the crust and goulash. Even though I can't stand eating coconut, I will eat something with it in it maybe once a year. I don't know why, though. I think it's because I actually like it, but I just don't like its texture. I'm not really quite sure. lol


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07 Nov 2011, 11:37 pm

the flavor of coconut is nice. filter out the rough texture and you've got yourself a winner. :idea:


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08 Nov 2011, 1:14 am

Yes it consists of having no appetite, and when I'm hungry no desire to eat anything. It sucks I'm probably a bit underweight because of it, but I'm not sure what to do about it except force myself to eat when i remember I haven't eaten all day for instance.


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08 Nov 2011, 4:53 pm

I eat food like popcorn and potato chips out of a bowl with my mouth like a bird picking at its food, because I don’t like touching food with my hands.


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08 Nov 2011, 10:43 pm

I have some weird eating habits and it used to be a lot worse. The weirdest current one happens to be hot dogs. I have to eat the bun and hot dog separately. I don't know why. And when I was younger for sandwiches I had to eat the food in the middle (between the buns) and the bun separately. I know I had other weird habits when I was young but I can't remember it at this moment. By the way, now I have normal sandwiches normally. Just not hot dogs.


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14 Nov 2011, 12:48 am

This all sounds perfectly "normal" to me. :wink: But I also have my own set of food quirks.

I also don't like coconut, the texture of those little shavings just bugs the heck out of me.

And soggy fries are the BEST!! ! mmmmmmmm

Normally, I have a set of about 5 things I eat on a daily basis. And I eat them in a very systematic manner.
Meat & cheese is the primary component of just about everything. I just don't feel right without that.

Probably the most stressful thing about the holidays for me is how people will push all the different foods on me at gatherings. I don't really like thanksgiving dinner. I'd much rather have pizza or a cheeseburger, like I do most days.

Another thing I do is when I prepare a sandwich, the meat has to be laid down on the bread in particular pattern, or it just doesn't taste right.


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14 Nov 2011, 4:30 am

I have a few odd food habits. If it was left up to me I'd mostly just end up eating meat, fish and rice with the occasional baked potato. Most vegetables taste bitter to me, although my friends insist that they can't taste the bitterness in them. I also have problems with knowing when I'm hungry or thirsty. I can feel the sensations of hunger and thirst but it seems like my brain takes a while to fully understand that the pain means I need to eat. I also have problems telling when I'm full, so once I start eating it doesn't occur to me to stop until either all the food is gone or I feel like I'm about to puke from being overly full. I also find that I often get the urge to sort colourful foods such as skittles into their colour categories before eating them. I can't eat food that has fat on it or any stringy bits and some food textures make me feel really sick.