When I was little, I didn't really like the short version of my name. It felt wrong to say it, so I stopped saying it. I didn't like the word "Hello" because I thought about it when I was about five, and decided it was silly sounding, so I stopped saying that, too. I replaced it with "Hi."
As I got older, I couldn't say my full name, and this got worse until I couldn't say anyone else's names, either, except for my sisters' nicknames (which I can't say anymore). Then it worsened and I couldn't say brand names, place names or titles for anything, as well as any words I didn't like, like "Talk," "Toe," "Cough" or any word that sounded similar to a first name. When my nephew was born, my sister tried to get me to say his name. I couldn't, and I started crying. It's like I can't bring myself to say these words/names, and I can't explain why.
My family has noticed that it has gotten worse lately, and they can't understand why I won't say the proper word for things. If I accidentally say something I don't let myself say, I feel embarrassed and weird for saying it. I have to write them instead of saying them. There are so many words I can't say that it's hard to picture myself talking to anyone outside of my family, and I know they would see me as stupid.
I also have a weird habit where instead of writing or typing the name/word I can't say verbally, I type or write the letters in a different order until it's finished. For example, if I was going to type the word "example," I might type it like this: e o (backspace o) x a t (backspace t) m p l o (backspace o) e. I might write my name as J space s e i and then another s, c and a. It's embarrassing when I know someone is watching me write or type, but it feels wrong otherwise.
Can anyone relate to this?
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