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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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01 Oct 2018, 9:37 pm

Do any of you hurt yourselves? Not like banging your head against the wall as a nervous habit but like deliberately doing damage to your flesh because you enjoy it in some sick way.


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03 Oct 2018, 4:48 am

I used to but after a three week stay in hospital, I stopped. This was in 2013.

I used to cut and burn myself. The very last cut I made needed to be stitched but I did nothing about it. It's a wide scar now.

Every day I see what I did and I regret it a lot. I can no longer wear short-sleeved shirts or tank tops.

I didn't really enjoy it. I was very depressed.

Emu Egg
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06 Oct 2018, 5:27 pm

Yes, but I wouldn't say I enjoy it "in some sick way".

Ever since I was about ten years old, I remember pimples being interesting. Since then, (I am now less than a year away from an adult) I cannot stop picking my skin incessantly. I can't go out in public without a long-sleeved shirt or a sweater because the skin picking is all over my arms and I can't stop. I keep telling myself I will stop, but whenever I'm in the shower, my mind goes blank and I can't help but tell myself "just one and I will stop". It's how my brain has been conditioned to think, but I know it looks horrible.

I used to cut myself earlier as well, mostly in my thighs, so it wouldn't be visible. My skin picking somehow overtook, though, and I can't stop.

I don't want pity, nor do I want anyone to suggest therapy. I'm just telling you what I do.


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07 Oct 2018, 5:12 pm

I bite myself hard on my finger and it has left a huge ugly permanent callous.

I have also experimented with cutting but I can't get away with doing it because I always wear a tshirt and shorts.


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08 Oct 2018, 5:41 am

I do. For some reason, I love seeing my own blood. It gives me a very pleasant sensation that nothing else ever has.

Yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage. For although nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
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08 Oct 2018, 7:47 pm

I feel like the physical pain I feel from biting myself helps to calm me down when I am angry or upset. And I bite myself hard.


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11 Oct 2018, 7:03 am

ya, i keep doing minor self harm. i manage to substitute, by making, getting atttached to, and then deleting characters most of the time. but still. doing a lot of minor scratches that would heal up. somewhere hidden. hitting myself. took a knife a few times. managed to tone it down. luckily the base amount of pain my busted spine gives me in the norm, also helps with that. dont need to cause pain when i am in pain xDDD

sanity is a prison. insanity is doom. is there a third option, please?
beware the ire of the patient ones!
and if i walk away, who is gonna stay? i believe to make the world be a better place.


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13 Oct 2018, 2:35 am

I used to, not so much now.
There was a certain feeling of release when I did it but I can't say I really enjoyed it.
When I did serious self harm, it made me feel totally detached from reality, then severely depressed.

It's like I'm sleepwalking


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15 Oct 2018, 12:43 am

Not seriously but when I do something dumb sometimes I literally punch myself.

The days are long, but the years are short