Seriously, I like it and I've gotten benefits from it, but it's also highly addictive, and withdrawals can be horrible. Mine have mostly just been rebound anxiety and feelings of depression, but I've also heard of people having seizures and all sorts of other nasty stuff.
I don't really use it anymore, partly because I have a prescription for gabapentin, which is similar but at least medically recognized. I feel like I like phenibut's effects better, but that's because I've never taken a dose of gabapentin beyond what I've been prescribed.
Another thing, don't combine it with alcohol. Even though I've done this on many occasions, I've learned that it can actually be quite dangerous, even lethal, and I am lucky to have survived doing it. ... k_to_life/ <--- The dose of phenibut + alcohol that this guy took is similar to what I've done on many occasions. Reading this actually scared me away from using phenibut.
Here's a list of other adverse events that have occurred from phenibut use: ... ents_list/
For good measure, here's the sidebar text from /r/phenibut:
Not respecting phenibut can land you in phenibut hell. (Severe anxiety, panic, suicidal thoughts, psychotic behavior, seizures, nausea, vomiting, etc)
Going off phenibut cold turkey from a dependent state can cause severe and potentially life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.
Do not mix phenibut with alcohol. Tolerance fluctuates and what may have been safe one day may not be safe the next.
Unless you are already dependent, do not take more than 1500 mg in a single day and do not take more than 750 mg in a six hour period.
Phenibut has a long onset period, so you need to give it several hours to take effect. Wait at least 6 hours before redosing.
If you're using phenibut powder you need a scale for proper measurement. The scoops that come with many products are for transferring powder, not measurement. The amount of powder contained in a scoop can vary wildly. If you pack the powder you may be getting several times more than what the scoop says and similarly if the powder is especially fluffy in one area you may be getting several times less. The scoops are not for measurement.
Every day is exactly the same...