Today I had a video appt with my doctor. To do that I had to download this app, which showed a lot of my medical records and days I went to the doctors office that date back many years.
One thing I saw was that when I was 12, they had listed that I had ADHD. There have been periods in the last 6 years or so that I wondered if I had ADHD, because I’ve always struggled to pay attention in class. I know there was at least one time where I told my mom this and she said she didn’t think I did. Today I asked my doctor about it and she told me that I’ve probably grown out of it since then. I disagree. I can think of much more recent examples where I’d be in a class and I’d struggle to pay attention. I’d “stare off into space”.
Do any of you think I have ADHD?
Early 20s male with Asperger’s and what feels like a mood disorder