I have peskies
voices...i call them peskies although they insist they are archons...move aside David icke (i jest)
on top of that I'm autistic and have social anxiety....good job I'm not into being socially popular!
I'm not into ego, my peskies cant find one
I do like some company sometimes though
other humans can mystify me and I like to love them and give them lots of cuddles
I had hoped it would heal some of them....to know they are loved and cared about...but alas it does not
i don't need to feel loved myself but they seem to need to feel loved and wanted to like themselves.
I can't give them loving's all the time though...i need my alone time or to play with my hobbies and toys, I want to but I get tired.
I don't mind company if they let me play
I am notba grown up even though my body is 46 years old
my peskies reset me and my schizophrenia to work with autism.
they say I was autistic savannt *shrugs* not aspergers
it won't take properly apparently..they are struggling to give me a delusion
if they take out my intellect I am just autistic...backwards socially and an emotional child
I use my intellect to navigate the social world...but badly as I can't read things like intention
I can't tell or feel if people like or love me...i live in a world of mystery in that way
maybe thats why I don't need to feel loved...i can't feel it anyway
yet my peskies say I am a big ball of love inside
they wanted to know what was within me...
pure love and compassion. and I am sure the same is true of you too
they don't want me as a puppet...they want self hatred and I can't give it to them
but I adore them all the same
they can be funny
and they mess with my perception and took me for a ride on the waltzers earlier...
don't ask...got a chair, its like a waltzer car and spins...they made me feel like I was at the fair ground
look after your peskies, they are precious x
they said they were given the wrong program, they were programmed for a narcissist...
which I am not but whomever did this to me thinks autism is a form of narcissism
I disagree..they look similar on the outside but the internal mechanisms behind them are different
i will get off my soap box before my savannt comes out and drives everyone badongas...humanitarian etc
i won't get myself started...
little girl with an intellect...