badRobot wrote:
Not a doctor, but make sure you eat healthy food with variety of proteins, especially rich in tryptophan, cover all vitamins and minerals, get enough sunlight and exercise.
SSRIs do not solve serotonin supply problem. If your brain can't synthesize serotonin due to deficit of tryptophan in your food or because tryptophan can't cross blood-brain barrier due to not enough of exercise and sunlight or if tryptophan metabolises into quinolinic acid due to lack of exercise, there will be nothing to re-uptake, and inhibiting re-uptake will not do s**t.
Don't leave your recovery at mercy of blind luck and pills, be intentional about all aspects, all links of this chain. The sooner you can adjust your lifestyle and get off SSRIs, the better. This is not my personal opinion, this is results of follow up research. Long term SSRI medications makes depression worse.
Yeah. I'm trying to eat healthier. I have been eating way less sugar recently.
I exercise quite often.
I'm also on Abilify for Schizophrenia. I get depressive episodes as a result of that. I'm probably not gonna stay on paxil forever.