blitzkrieg wrote:
I remember people emotionally, but I cannot see them in my mind. A big advantage for not being overly traumatised by traumatic events that keep happening over & over.
I'm at the opposite extreme (hyperphantasia). Typically, I can see people in my mind in high detail (it's not perfect though, I might misremember small things and I need to see someone at least twice in order to be able to visually recall them). However, I tend to find that my traumatic memories are noticeably more distorted than my usual thoughts or memories. I'll remember background information (such as tables, chairs and what the room looked like in general, sometimes a phantom sense of smell if it's noticeable - for instance if wet mould was a memorable aspect of the memory) but I can't recall foreground information (such as the faces of those who hurt me). Apparently this is common. Watching my traumatic memories is like seeing a corrupted video file on a screen.
My thoughts aren't always visual, I switch to an audio format if I need to be aware of my surroundings and focus, but sometimes I do accidentally visualise without meaning to do so. Especially if someone is graphically describing an intense visual scene, such as a horror movie plot. Then I'll see a flash of visuals based on that description in my mind even though I very much did not mean to do that. Sometimes if I see something horrible in a film, it'll keep repeating as a visual in my mind when I either see something that reminds me of it, or in nightmares. One time I had the same nightmare with the same visuals three times in a row until by the third time I was able to go lucid and take over. Then the visuals stopped. Being a visual thinker does have some disadvantages.
However, there are some advantages. I like that I am able to visualise the stories I read and that I am able to visualise various different scenarios or mentally visit my favourite places.
Can you imagine other types of information, such as smell or taste? Do you dream? If so, what's that like?
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.