FranzOren wrote:
Twilightprincess wrote:
Are you out already? It’s extremely unusual to be released so quickly when one is struggling so much. The medications wouldn’t even fully be kicking in yet.
I had narcissistic delusions that my former bullies are going after me and that I have to kill them, to put a stop to it, and I had command hallucinations telling me to kill them.
Your story is not adding up. No psychiatrist would have released you. It just wouldn’t happen like that, not with homicidal delusions.
“Les grandes personnes ne comprennent jamais rien toutes seules, et c'est fatigant, pour les enfants, de toujours et toujours leur donner des explications.”
— Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince
Last edited by TwilightPrincess on 07 Aug 2022, 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.