League_Girl wrote:
John_Browning wrote:
It's simpler than that, It's because of the shear number of incidents of sexual abuse that are homosexual acts.
Well he didn't make it up. I think he was just stating why the ignorance exists. Because some gay men have sexually molested boys so that's how people get that false assumption.
It be like someone asking why do people connect pedophilia with infantilism and I say because people like to dress up as babies and act like it and some people are into treating someone like a baby so people think those who are into it must be turned on by kids so they use adults. If someone wants to say that is BS, it better be directed at the ignorance people make, not at me for explaining where the ignorance comes from.
Take a better look at what he said. He was not explaining anything. He said people equate the two because there's lots of pedophiles that are gay.
If he was trying to point out the ignorance of such thinking, he would have said much more than that. Instead, he supported the ignorant sentiment that homosexuality = pedophilia.
Still looking for that blue jean baby queen, prettiest girl I've ever seen.