i Think gays should marry, but not have kids

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Do you think gays should be able to raise kids?
Yes 92%  92%  [ 120 ]
No 8%  8%  [ 10 ]
Total votes : 130

Emu Egg
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28 Jul 2011, 12:51 am

the fact that your still a kid yourself shows that you dont have much experience being a parent. plus its no ones place to say that gay couples should be allowed their god given right of being fathers.

Blue Jay
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28 Jul 2011, 6:52 am

i'm gay. i have kids.
i love my kids and they seem like fairly well adjusted little people.
that's all.

Tufted Titmouse
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29 Jul 2011, 11:38 pm

I have extensive contact with kids and those who have just reached adulthood. I have this contact due to running a group home to assist disabled men reaching adulthood to hopefully transition into more independent living situations. Of all of these kids 100% were in care due to the actions of their heterosexual parents. Being gay or straight is no guarantee of good parenting. Any of these young men would have been lucky to have a supportive and loving gay couple provide them with a home instead of going into care. None of them could not have been very well supported in managing their disabilities in a natural home environment.

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30 Jul 2011, 5:54 am

joshkuthak wrote:
Before anyone calls me homophobic I am a 15 yr old homosexual.

Being homosexual does not preclude you from also being homophobic! That is an illogical and totally incorrect premise, right from the start.

joshkuthak wrote:
I feel that gays have every right to marry and we should all fight for that right, but i dont think a gay couple should raise children.

Then you are homophobic.

joshkuthak wrote:
You see, its just that i dont think it is a good environment for a child

I am very pleased that people with your discriminatory viewpoint are not the majority of people on these forums. Only 6.5% as compared to 93.5%, at present.

joshkuthak wrote:
I mean theyll go to school

Unless they homeschool, which is still legal in North America and many other places in the world. The sexual orientation of a person of course has no bearing on how they may choose to raise their children.

joshkuthak wrote:
and try to make friends

I would certainly hope that you would not suggest that gay people wouldn't want their kids having friends... that would be quite insane.

joshkuthak wrote:
and when they want to invite them over or have birthday parties and both the kids and parents see that the kid has gay parents, then they may never show up to that kids place again.

Okay, so you want to not allow gay parents to raise a child, because there is a theoretical possibility that in the future other children may act out negatively due to their own homophobia? In other words, we must be homophobic now, in order to avoid the risk of possible future homophobia.

That is completely absurd, morally flawed, and entirely illogical.

joshkuthak wrote:
i know what you may be thinking, "well thats their fault, society needs to be more accepting and if they see good kids being raised by gays then maybe they will start accepting"

No, not even close.

What I was thinking is just how pervasive homophobia is in society, when gay youth are active proponents of homophobia, going out of their way to spread their messages of homophobia.

I see it all the time, gay people gay bashing. It is really saddening.

At least with straight people, there is a reason, shallow as it may be: "gay people are different, they aren't attracted to the opposite sex like I am".

But gay people gay bashing have no excuse at all. You should know that you're just like anybody else, that you are not evil or wrong or immoral, yet here you are, loudly preaching in support of societal intolerance toward gay couples.

joshkuthak wrote:
but lets face it, they wont be accepting

And therefore you want to discriminate against homosexuals, because a child might be teased while growing up.

From the way you talk, I would assume that you have never been a parent, and probably have not even raised an animal (or plant) on your own, from conception to full grown. I would recommend doing that often, it is a very rewarding experience. It should also show you how much of the wondrous joy of life you would be taking away from all homosexuals by removing their ability to parent children.

There are massive risks to being a parent, one of which is having a child that is picked on.

Does that stop the parents of autistic kids from trying their best?

Does it stop the parents of those with physical disabilities from trying their best?

Do you think that their child being teased is not a risk that every last parent or couple raising a child faces? Seriously, really?

joshkuthak wrote:
and the kid shouldnt have to grow up being teased and bullied because of that, since their only an innocent child.

The correct phrase is "they're only an innocent child", as in "they are". It is not related to the word "their", which in turn is not related to the word "there".

All children face the potential of bullying, and having two hetrosexual parents does not preclude bullying.

You are the same as the people who spoke out against single parents being allowed to raise a child, just a few short decades back. These days most people accept that there is nothing morally wrong about one parent raising a child, that it's not a case of "boo-hoo what a poor child who only has one parent".

This mentality of discrimination totally ignores what is important about raising a child: how well cared for the child is. How well cared for a child is has nothing at all to do with the sexual orientation of the parents, or how old the parents are, or if they are the same racial background as the child, how wealthy the parents are, or any of the numerous other discriminations that are used to prevent various individuals from becoming parents.

It is a very basic "keep it out of our society by not letting their way of thinking to propagate to the next generation of children". Evolutionary genocide. You are promoting the killing of homosexual culture by keeping it far away from children in our society, instead of fighting for equal rights for all individuals.

joshkuthak wrote:
I have nothing against gays

This is a logical fallacy. You very much have something against homosexuals. You don't even want them to be allowed the experience of raising children during their lifetime, due to your uncontrolled homophobia.

joshkuthak wrote:
and i am gay myself

Again, that doesn't preclude homophobia.

joshkuthak wrote:
but im only thinking about the child.

Clearly you are not thinking of the child at all. If you were thinking of the child, then you would want to assure that the child has loving parents that try their best within their means to help their child to the best life possible. This has nothing at all to do with the sexual orientation of the parent. You are not thinking of the welfare of the children at all.

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21 Aug 2011, 11:09 pm

I used to think this way...until I saw a clip on a show about a gay couple who has adopted a bunch of "unwanted" kids (unwanted meaning: kids who basically had no chance of getting adopted by anyone else). Then I realized that there are SO many kids out there who are alone, unloved, unwanted, and anyone who is willing to give them a loving, stable home should be permitted to.

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25 Aug 2011, 12:58 am

You're a stuck up individual for thinking gays can't raise children just as well as straights.



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25 Aug 2011, 9:43 pm

It's a non-issue really, kids can't get more screwed up than they can by being raised by single mothers. If you want to outlaw one you'd have to outlaw the other which obviously isn't going to happen. I say go for it, we'll find out in a few decades I would guess, if we see hordes of gay-raised children kicking the s**t outta London for fun, then maybe we can lump them in with single mothers.

I doubt we'll see this argument again for many years, if or when we begin to feel the effects of overpopulation and child bearing will be a privilege rather than a right. That's when you can expect a shitstorm to fly as only the most intelligent accomplished stable heterosexual couples will probably be allowed to breed.

Tufted Titmouse
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01 Dec 2011, 1:57 pm

The biggest False claim about why gays shouldn't raise kids is because:
"Gay parents would influence their children to be gay"

Really??? Then how come so many str8 people keep having/raising gay kids? Strange isn't it.

It's like the whole "It's a lifestyle choice" BS.
Who would choose to be a minority if they had the "choice"? The only choice is acting out on sexual desires with a certain person.

If the idea is that gays shouldn't raise children because the children's lives would be made more difficult, then, like the previous poster wrote;
what if the law is changed so that; People with Aspergers cannot raise children? or Single Family parents cannot raise children? or mixed-race parents cannot raise children? or Adults who get sad or depressed cannot raise children? What about parents that get angry on occasion? Parents who spend too much time online? How about, any adult that has an addiction? (including food, alcohol, drugs, shopping, hoarding).

When we exclude one group, we exclude them all (as some bright WrongPlanet poster wrote after I posted a not-so-informed idea).


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01 Dec 2011, 2:30 pm

AspieRoss wrote:
How about, any adult that has an addiction? (including food, alcohol, drugs, shopping, hoarding).

That, unfortunately, is a bad example. In some of those cases, child services will often put the kid in foster care.


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14 Dec 2011, 10:46 pm

You see, its just that i dont think it is a good environment for a child,

Nor would being raised in a house where the parents are:

mentally ill
socially awkward,
mixed race

Why don't we stop them from having children too?

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06 Jan 2012, 2:58 am

My dad is gay, me and my little brother just moved back in with them in June and we are far happier and more settled than we were with mom. She has screwed us up with 2 step-fathers and an endless string of boyfriends far more than dad and his partner ever could. His environment is settled and consistent, we don't need to be worried about them breaking up and us having to move home because mom had been kicked out. I don't care if I get teased about it, I am happy no matter what other people think, but none of my friends tease me and are all happy to come to the house and play, and their parents are happy for them to come over for dinner or for a sleepover. I am glad most people don't share the outright intolerant and undeniably homophobic views of the OP.




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03 Feb 2012, 4:12 am

I think gays have the right to marry and have kids if they want.



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04 Feb 2012, 12:47 pm

lilypadfad wrote:
It's a non-issue really, kids can't get more screwed up than they can by being raised by single mothers.

Why is it just single mothers? Single fathers do a worse job from the experiences my friends and I had. Being raised by a single parent is bad in general. It is almost impossible to live off an single person's income.

lilypadfad wrote:
I doubt we'll see this argument again for many years, if or when we begin to feel the effects of overpopulation and child bearing will be a privilege rather than a right. That's when you can expect a shitstorm to fly as only the most intelligent accomplished stable heterosexual couples will probably be allowed to breed.

^ This. Overpopulation will make homosexuality more acceptable. People who choose to not have children and adopt the needy children already alive will be respected more than the men and women who refuse to use contraception and give up their children.


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07 Feb 2012, 6:22 am

I know that gay couples can raise children very well, and I fully support the progression of gay rights in general.

But can everybody try to remember that the OP is fifteen? And that they've expressed that people have made good points and given them things to think about? Maintain th.e respectful dialogue tone, unless you're just interested in talking down to someone

Man, I'm just grateful that I can't remember the majority of half-baked ideas that I took for public test runs when I was 15. Thank goodness I didn't have regular internet access to broadcast them with...


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07 Feb 2012, 3:31 pm


That is, perhaps, the most sensible thing that I have read all day.



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07 Feb 2012, 4:12 pm

justalouise wrote:
Man, I'm just grateful that I can't remember the majority of half-baked ideas that I took for public test runs when I was 15. Thank goodness I didn't have regular internet access to broadcast them with...

All MY half baked ideas ended up under 6+ different yahoo answers accounts.

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