XFilesGeek wrote:
My biological sex is female.
My gender is "none."
I am who I am. I dress how I want. I pursue my interests without regard as to whether they're "masculine" or "feminine." I present myself to others the way I feel most comfortable at any given moment, not caring at all if my gender ambiguity makes people uncomfortable. I couldn't care less what pronouns anyone uses to refer to me.
I've been told by various people throughout my life that I don't strike them as male or female.....I simply exist. Anyone attempting to put my in a box is going to be severely disappointed. There are particular biological realities that go along with physical sex, and there are some general trends, but, beyond that, the concepts of "masculine" and "feminine" don't exist outside of the socio-cultural imagination of a certain time period.
In the meantime, keep yer stinkin' "gender" OFF of me. Thank you.
You've described very closely how I feel as well. I don't fully feel "male" or "female". I don't know what that means, to feel that way. I am me, I only know what that feels like. I have strong feelings at this point that I'm needing to move forward in my physical transition though, as I'm becoming more and more dysphoric with my body. It's gotten to the point where I would almost consider it disabling.
AQ Score: 44/50 Aspie Quiz: 175/200-Aspie 31/200-NT
Judge of your natural character by what you do in your dreams.
Ralph Waldo Emerson