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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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16 May 2012, 12:54 pm

I used to think I was gay because all I ever fantasized about were guys, but lately I've been fantasizing about women too. For example there's a lot of beautiful women on TV and in video games that I liked as characters but never really fantasized about like I do the male characters, but lately I've started fantasing about them too. I've gotten to where I like men for being strong and muscular and women for being beautiful and soft.

Has anyone else ever started off gay and much later in their life realized they liked both men and women? I've always heard that people can only be either gay or straight but I don't believe that's true because it wasn't for me, I used to only be gay but now I believe I truely am bisexual and could go either way.


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16 May 2012, 1:14 pm

Hmm well i don't know if sexuality actually could be that you were bisexual to begin with but are just now realising it. But yeah its actually false that you can only be straight, gay or bi so it does happen. I think I personally could be asexual I mean I always assumed i was straight for the most part, then for a wile I was thinking I might be bisexual.....then I was convinced I was a lesbian, then realized I really wasn't that attracted to females so I just left it at straight with the possibility of bisexuality. But yeah I think I've finally settled on asexuality since I've come to the conclusion it's more I don't like sex or have a desire for it. and am not particularly sexually attracted to either gender.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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16 May 2012, 1:23 pm

I used to think I was aexual because I thought that I would never want to have sex, but then I've started realizing I could have sex but only if it was a person I really cared about. If I ever meet a guy or a girl that I completely trusted and felt comfortable around I would gladly give up my virginity for them. It's just hard to find people like that because most everyone I know is an as*hole.


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16 May 2012, 1:26 pm

xXSeaShellXx wrote:
I used to think I was aexual because I thought that I would never want to have sex, but then I've started realizing I could have sex but only if it was a person I really cared about. If I ever meet a guy or a girl that I completely trusted and felt comfortable around I would gladly give up my virginity for them. It's just hard to find people like that because most everyone I know is an as*hole.

I have had didn't really do anything for me, and if anything once any relationship I have gets to that point things get akward because I end up acting like I do enjoy it and get something out of it, so I am sure they pick up on that. So I decided it would be better if I stopped trying to convince myself I did in fact enjoy sex and want an intimate relationship.

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16 May 2012, 4:43 pm

My ex-girlfriend lived happily with a woman for 12 years before she met me. She then insisted that she was straight, and that she always had been.

I think sexual orientation is a continuum. Some people are really straight, some people are really gay, and the rest of us fall somewhere in between. I think it is possible to slide one way or the other on that continuum too, depending on internal and external factors. Perhaps a person has been straight their entire life, never considered having a same sex relationship, and then they meet someone who is just right for them.

But I'm a hopeless romantic. What do I know?


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17 May 2012, 2:47 am

sexuality is fluid, it can change and shift for some people. just go with the flow man... im not exactly sure how i came to agree that bi was the label for me. memories grow increasingly fuzzy.


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17 May 2012, 5:28 pm

VMSmith wrote:
sexuality is fluid, it can change and shift for some people. just go with the flow man... im not exactly sure how i came to agree that bi was the label for me. memories grow increasingly fuzzy.

you're absolutely right! :D I'm mostly into women but I have been attracted to men and trans people in the past, I don't know if i'm bisexual per se but I think sexuality is fluid and varies from person to person.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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17 May 2012, 5:31 pm

I've always mostly been into guys but it's just recently that I've started realizing that I like girls too. To be honest my Mom says that until you actually experience sex you are actually "asexual", but I kind of think that a person's sexual fantasies should give some kind of indication of their sexual preference.

Emu Egg
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17 May 2012, 7:48 pm

I have been around a fair while and started with a male partner when I was 14 (long story in itself) and thought I was soooo totally gay until my first girlfriend at 17; and later had a transgendered (preop) girlfriend at 22. These days I call myself Pansexual. Being an Aspergian, I was naturally curious and after reading Kinsey as well as Masters and Johnston, I subscribe to their theory that almost everyone is bisexual (90%) with only 5% being either straight or gay. The rule of thumb I use is really simple; if you are attracted to one sex but either think or have contact with the other sex, you're probably bisexual.

I have 2 gay friends and both of them would rather pull their own head off than spend time with a girl. People don't become bisexual, but they can become aware of their interest in the second sex. :lol: Bingo, Bisexual.

2nd rule of thumb is be careful of who you tell, which in my case is really close friends and lovers in an extended relationship. I like my closet as it is nice, warm, and dark (you meet some interesting people in the dark) and have no intention of coming out of the closet in the foreseeable future.

Rather than worrying about whether you're bisexual (if you ask the question, you probably are), worry whether your partner is meeting your needs and whether you are happy. 8)


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18 May 2012, 7:42 am

xXSeaShellXx wrote:
I used to think I was gay because all I ever fantasized about were guys, but lately I've been fantasizing about women too. For example there's a lot of beautiful women on TV and in video games that I liked as characters but never really fantasized about like I do the male characters, but lately I've started fantasing about them too. I've gotten to where I like men for being strong and muscular and women for being beautiful and soft.

Has anyone else ever started off gay and much later in their life realized they liked both men and women? I've always heard that people can only be either gay or straight but I don't believe that's true because it wasn't for me, I used to only be gay but now I believe I truely am bisexual and could go either way.

Congratz, the more the marrier. :D (Atleast that's what they say. ^^)

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Emu Egg
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18 May 2012, 6:42 pm

I started off at 14 and went with an older guy who was very nice to me, and it would have seemed like bad manners not to be nice back. He was very gentle and patient and so from 14 to 17, I suppose you could have called me gay. Then I had my first girlfriend and discovered how much I like girls. How it goes for me now is that I prefer women, with an occasional guy. Someone once asked me "am I gay or straight?" and I suggested they ask whoever I am sleeping with.
I am bisexual because I don't want to miss out on half the fun.

Be well and have fun.


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24 May 2012, 7:19 pm

I remember watching a show on animal sexuality on some channel "Nat Geo, Animal Planet" cannot remember which one. The scientist they were interviewing was saying that bi-sexuality was common among all mammals and even in the human race (of course we are mammals as well). I do know that sexuality like race is a modern concept put on us by social conventions. I have a friend who used only date men and after she left her last relationship with a man she is now exclusively Lesbian she once told me it was because the only person to treat her right was another women. In the Greco-Roman period it was common for men of the noble classes to take on slave lovers male or female, and the only real prejudice was a man of noble birth was not supposed to be the bottom as that was considered a passive roll and for the period that was not socially acceptable for a man of high birth. Many Roman men were married as well as having sexual relations with men and women Julius Caesar, Octavian who would later become Caesar Augustus, Mark Anthony, Alexander the great of Greek fame, and many more. In the long run I do not think it matters who is in love with who as long as people are in consenting relationships and no one is harmed physically, sexually, or mentally and everyone involved is happy.

Emu Egg
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24 May 2012, 10:54 pm

Very true, no one should be spanked without their permission :lol:


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25 May 2012, 10:57 am

OMG I laughed so loud that my Cat is now giving me dirty looks LOL

Emu Egg
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25 May 2012, 11:29 am

The thing to remember always id a) find the place where you find the most comfortable, b) make sure it is right for you and c) always respect limits.
My life has been when I firs started thought I was gay at 14 and had a 3 year relationship with an older man, then discovered girls at 17 and had my 1st transexual at 22. What does that make me... not gay or straight, but bi. I prefer women but if an interesting male presents himself, who doesn't want to rush... well; it becomes very interesting. :twisted:
It doesn't matter whether you are gay straight or bi, the important question is are you happy?

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29 Jun 2012, 5:53 am

I will hook up with a kathoey if i get the chance so i guess i'm bi but only attracted to feminine types.