ChangelingGirl wrote:
I was looking for a topic like this, sorry if I hijack it. I am questioning whether I'm asexual or just having sexyal dysfunction. I am married to a sexual partner. For now we have decided not to have sex until I am stable mental health-wise, but there is a possibility thata I just won't want sex.
Sorry that your question was ignored, that happens often here on WP just because we all are a bit socially off, but in answer to your question,
If you are indeed asexual, this may cause a problem in your marriage as I have seen on AVEN in similar situations. Asexuality is not a disorder but an orientation and needs to be treated as such, but if you find that you are asexual, then you need to be honest with your partner about it when you are ready to handle the what comes afterwards. The truth is that some marriages dont survive when an asexual comes out to their partner, and you need to prepare yourself for if that happens. However, if your partner really loves you and wants to be with even without sex, that has been known to happen also. Often, the news of one's asexuality to a sexual partner will not be the sole thing to break a good marriage, but more of the final straw to break the camel's back kinda thing. If your marriage is already on shaky ground due to other issues, hearing of your asexuality, if that is the case, may be that final straw.
There are other options also such as an open marriage where you allow him/her to have sex with other people so that need is fullfilled, however that comes with risks too like if he/she falls in love with the other person and wants to leave the marriage for exclusivity with that person.
Some asexuals also compromise with their sexual partners and have sex every once in a while.
There are no easy answers in this situation, unless you are lucky enough to have a partner that loves you enough to be celebate for the rest of the time you are together.
Sorry I could not wave a magic wand, but those are your choices,
All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin