visagrunt wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
i hate that phraseology.

it continues to be an epithet wielded by slavering bullies
I hear you. But I believe that we are reclaiming the word.
I can see both sides of this, and more. It totally depends on context, tone of voice when said, to whom and why etc.
I do see how it is still a derogatory slang word, but on the other hand there are certain situations where it's either quite funny, or IMO quite applicable. ie funny in jokes, or jokes amongst friends (allllmost comparable to "the N word," being used amongst blacks, in a way.. sorta.) and same goes for application depending on context and definition, as at least around here and among my friends it is used to describe a certain stereotypical flamboyantly queer subset of the gay community that like to hang around the downtown club scene looking & acting as rainbow bright gay in your face queer as possible on purpose as their style or "persona." And to me, that application & definition just works and I don't find it offensive or rude, just sort of matter of fact based on that definition and application. Yet I still see the potential for offence, as one of the guys we might refer to as that may not care for the label one bit - but so far there just isn't a better word to describe those guys. :p