Sorry, I know this thread is old, but I just came across it on a Google search of "how male and female brains differ". I just got through with 9 online tests of brain differences/does your brain think more male or female. Every single test I did came back with "female brained" although I Identify as androgynous. I like to think in my heart I am a girl and I went on estrogen and transitioned to full female minus SRS (sex change) (laser hair removal, etc) just to realize although I was happy as a female, I was always, ALWAYS wondering if I was being "read as a male to female". I live in Texas and you can polygraph me if you want to pay for it, but, I never had one negative comment to my face about being male-to-female, never harrassed, beat up, etc, Quite the opposite, I've had guys hit on me, ask me out, check me out, flirt, hold open doors for me, 'maam' me, buy me drinks, etc. Being so concerned if I was being 'read' and knowing my wife was not happy with my transition to female, I transitioned back physically and soon to be legally (change name and gender marker back to male). But I can't help BUT to me feminine even as a guy. There is metrosexual, then there is me. I cut my hair back to a typical military flattop/buzzcut, I use 3 different types of hair products which is probably redundant (hair wax, hair spray and a spray metallic shine), buff my nails and toenails to a shine, wear toerings and anklets, shave any little bit of hair I have on my body so it's smooth, get my eyebrows waxxed, wear androgynous cologne (CK-1/CK-B), I will at times wear a bra because I am a 38C/D naturally - hormones did give me a little extra booby. I usually wear loose hoodies to hide my breasts, sometimes I just dont care and flaunt them which provides me with serious stares as to why this male has big boobs. I went on testosterone shots 2 months ago to "butch" up for my wife. I'm frigging miserable. My face is now oily, pimply, I'm getting hair on my chest which is disgusting, thicker leg hair and the worst: Jesus, I now how a sex drive and erections. To you average normal males, you're saying: "so what? Yeah, and?" Understand me please, I find erections disgusting and male-like. Something I don't want happening to me. I should of been born a girl plain and simple. Correcting Gods mistake made me conscience of what people thought and sadly, it won out. I often think would I be happy as a guy with a vagina? i think that's where I'm at now. My wife can't stop me on that, it's my body. Besides, it's not like we have sex anyway. Hellllll to the no. Sorry for the ramble, sometimes I am so quiet, I just explode and need to get all my thoughts out at one time.