Are autistics/aspies more likely to be gender-nonconforming

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18 Apr 2014, 4:39 pm

there's a lot of talk around wrongplanet and in the wider news about whether more people with autism spectrum disorders are also gender nonconforming. this survey is about people with ASD and their experiences with gender, sexual orientation, and clothing. If any of you are interested, feel free to participate! If it's not your cup of tea, no worries; just wanted to pass it along to my favorite online ASD people.



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18 Apr 2014, 5:03 pm

I couldn't submit the survey it kept taking back to the top, I went through to see if I missed anything, sorry :(

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18 Apr 2014, 5:09 pm

I don't know if it has anything to do with the aspergers, but I never did really conform to my far as I know I am still a straight female but there's a chance I could be asexual not entirely sure.

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18 Apr 2014, 5:15 pm

It's fixed now! The only required question will be the first one. Hope that wasn't too frustrating; feel free to take it again or PM me...


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18 Apr 2014, 5:28 pm

girl, that was not cool; I just wasted a half hour filling it out while you modified your quiz. Once you put those things up and open them, leave them alone. Not going back to do it again.


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18 Apr 2014, 5:48 pm

I'm sorry, I was simply trying to make it easier for someone else who was having trouble. I don't expect anybody to take the quiz or retake it.


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18 Apr 2014, 6:21 pm

Yes, although my friend who is also an aspie is not that way at all and very christian and is a preacher's daughter and just is kinda weird on that topic.

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officially diagnosed in 2013
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18 Apr 2014, 6:45 pm

aspiequeerchick wrote:
I'm sorry, I was simply trying to make it easier for someone else who was having trouble. I don't expect anybody to take the quiz or retake it.

What I'm saying is that if you modify an active quiz, whoever's taking the quiz while your modifying is going to get a "reload please" thing when she tries to submit it, and all her answers will be wiped. So just leave it be now.


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18 Apr 2014, 6:48 pm

I understand what you are saying, and I am sorry that you had that experience. :oops: I am not changing the survey again, and so I hope other people will take it! :!:


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19 Apr 2014, 9:25 pm

I know some autistic people are definitely not gender nonconforming, but my guess is that of the ones that are, they might be more inclined to embrace their nonconformity and not try to make themselves fit gender conformity standards.

For me, I was/am not motivated/inclined to conform for several reasons...

I am naturally a nerdy tomboy and my areas of interests and aptitudes are under what most societies call a masculine realm.

Feminine stereotypes and gender roles are unnatural to me, and I feel very strange when trying to act or emulate them, and some of them I find degrading.

I am also very bad at acting 'my assigned gender role' and I get ostracized and hated on when I try to do them, which is very discouraging.

And since people hate and outcast me whenever I try to conform to their gender roles, I typically decide to abandon all attempts at it because it is agonizing trying to play the part, as I never thought the whole gender role thing is all that ideal or realistic, and I personally don't want to have to participate in it. And their rejecting me when when I try just defeats the point of even bothering to try.

Normally I just do my own thing and try to keep controlling people out of my business as much as possible.

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20 Apr 2014, 4:04 pm

I'm not a tomboy but I felt the same way as you. I don't feel like I'm me unless I move away from gender standards. I don try to look as feminine as Barbie or other celebrities of the day. I rather be me than be someone else.

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24 Apr 2014, 4:47 pm

I cannot speak for everyone, but I myself do not conform to any gender. I may enjoy dressing in a way that is typical for my biological sex, but apart from that, I'm very androgynous. I will very rarely "feel" masculine or feminine, I just feel like me.

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26 Apr 2014, 11:20 am

I just did the survey, and in fact found it to be a liberating experience.

In that structured and anonymous environment I was able to answer questions and say things I haven't been game to say to anyone face to face for years.

I now just hope that somewhere somehow someone gets some good out of it.