Jo_B1_Kenobi wrote:
Sexual Orientation - Lesbian
Gender - in-between male and female. I was more male as a child - I wanted to be a boy for many years, but since my hormones kicked in during puberty I've been somewhere in-between.
Just a quick question about this...
I am also celebate, partly for faith reasons and partly because, with the ASD, finding a partner and dealing with the fallout from that at church is too hard for me to manage. Does being celebate mean that you're no longer a lesbian? My feeling is that lesbian is my orientation and is true regardless of whether I'm in a relationship or not.
(PS: Please be aware that I am a full member of the church even though they all know I'm gay - they accepted me unanimously and gave a round of applause. The issues with getting a partner are due to the wider church views on gay marriage and my wish to follow my faith views on no sex before marriage - they're not issues with my actual faith or with my actual church.)
Loving who you love isn't about body parts, love. It's about your soul.
That sounded like I was trying to tell you not to be a lesbian but to go for everyone but no. If your soul craves the companionship of the same gender's heart, that's what the soul wants.