Reptile wrote:
. Gender is not a social construct. Genuine transsexuals [MtF;FtM] are actually living prove that gender is not a social construct.
So WTF ?
Gender is a socially misunderstood thing.
99.99% of what we THINK is gender, how we dress, how we are expected to behave, social roles, THAT is the "construct". It's all culture.
But, there is a real component of gender, of course there is, just look at biology. medical procedures would not be necessary to "transition" as a transgender.
Then there are more complications when you factor in all the genetic mutations(the modern environment is biohazardous in many places), because it's not just a simple "x" and "Y" determining things in our dna, many thousands of genetic switches can be flipped any which way. Still, there are quite often two outwardly obvious forms resulting. That have subtle behavior and biochemical differences that facilitate reproduction.
But all the "boys are this....." and "girls are that....." cultural generalizations are total horse puckey!! !
An embryonic structure had been genetically triggered to be in "inney" or an "outy", that's about the extent of it.
The actual base biology in the embryo is the same, it's starts as a pre-v, then changes shape.
technically, that is what "gender" is.