I used to be a Christian, but it caused too much cognitive dissonance. That was only partly related to my sexuality. I still disliked my sexuality for years after losing my faith, but I blame my religious upbringing partly for that internalised homophobia.
I used to be fat, btw. I met my love while still fat. Don't give up on yourself. I also used to get upset about having sexual feelings.
Same sex relationships (sexual or otherwise) are different, I find, but not necessarily harder or easier. The friendship bond (the whole 'partners in crime' thing) is stronger, and at times, it's more fun because you simply 'get' each other better. With the right person, it's like playing with your best friend from school, and you can be totally immature and just be yourself. With the opposite sex, it's like you have to translate your feelings and experiences before relating them.
Then again, same sex relationships have the downside that you feel the other's misfortunes more keenly, and you often share some of the same neuroses. I have a friend who drives me mad with this. Plus, society doesn't recognise it as much.
Straight relationships have the benefit of giving you the perspective of the opposite sex. There are more uncharted waters to explore. Same sex relationships can get more claustrophobic more quickly.
But it's all tricky. And wonderful.
Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.