Are gay FTMs more out of the closet about their gayness

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01 Apr 2012, 10:59 pm

than born-males? I've always wondered that. The answer is yes for myself, but I don't like it about me, I think it only stems from my invisibility and if I were born male I'd have a wife, and a dude on the side.

I'm not sure why I've always been so certain about it.

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01 Apr 2012, 11:24 pm

I think that it is sorta easy for girls to be open about their attraction to the same sex then it is for guys even though I have no proof about such a claim also I think If I was a girl Id have a girlfriend and a byofriend at the same time.


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01 Apr 2012, 11:25 pm

Cool! I mean, that we're similar in that sense. :)

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01 Apr 2012, 11:29 pm

Yeah we are in that sense I am greedy that's how my friends view my attraction to both genders :lol:


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01 Apr 2012, 11:37 pm

You're a gay FTM, too? Let's be friends!!

Actually, I'm bisexual, and in my female body I'm much more attracted to females, but I think that's because to have sex with a male they would probably have to insert a penis into one of my various orifices, and that feels wrong to me 1) because I don't like anal/oral, and vaginal would feel horribly wrong and 2) because I'd much rather be "on top" :wink:

But I was never really "in the closet" with anything, except possibly being FTM, but I think it was more like I just didn't know, and then when I found out my mom kind of made me block it off.


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01 Apr 2012, 11:42 pm

I had a lot more girls than guys/men, and my knee-jerk response to questions of sexuality is 'gay' (as in gay dude attracted to dudes), and I have to rationalise it with my choice in partners.

I've been to therapy to discuss gender, the therapist basically thought I was kidding her. I almost killed myself because of that 'joke' (ie - my inability to sustain a relationship with the girl I really loved). :?

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01 Apr 2012, 11:49 pm

Bun wrote:
I had a lot more girls than guys/men, and my knee-jerk response to questions of sexuality is 'gay' (as in gay dude attracted to dudes), and I have to rationalise it with my choice in partners.

I've been to therapy to discuss gender, the therapist basically thought I was kidding her. I almost killed myself because of that 'joke' (ie - my inability to sustain a relationship with the girl I really loved). :?

I hate when therapists don't take us seriously. Hopefully my upcoming therapy session will go well, and I hope any future ones you have go well, too!


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01 Apr 2012, 11:50 pm

Same to you. :)

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02 Apr 2012, 12:05 am

I would rather a girl be on top if I am going to have sex with one it feels the best also I went to therapy to and they though I showed sociopathic behavior but I was just pissed off cause I was forced to go to therapy after my mom got divorced.


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02 Apr 2012, 1:26 pm

I'm not open really, but if people ask, I'll give an honest answer. People usually bring it back to me being trans. "If you're interested in men, why become a man? Sos stupid!" ಠ_ಠ


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02 Apr 2012, 9:23 pm

Pileo wrote:
I'm not open really, but if people ask, I'll give an honest answer. People usually bring it back to me being trans. "If you're interested in men, why become a man? Sos stupid!" ಠ_ಠ

Yeah, same, the therapist asked me that question, and I told her I'm interested in the idea of doing the bumming. :wink: To me though it has to be with real organs, so it's just a fantasy.

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04 Apr 2012, 3:32 pm


Im kind of in Xenogrounds here but I thinks it alright for Tomboys to be attracted to the same sex but it usually becomes a passing thing after so many years that they will start thinking "These girls are too bloody stupid", "Why isnt she going for it" or "these chics are too girly for my tastes", then comes "Guys are easier to get along with" thinking.

But hell, Lots of Guys would wish their GF was Bisexual because they think "mengaerie twai".

I personally would love to have a girl with some male interests such as Videogames and Anime. Living with a girl like that would be easy on me as well cuz I dont have to worry about buying stupid "fashion" clothes and I wouldnt mind her swiping my clothes all the time (I hate wearing clothes :) ); I think make up is just useless on a girl because its unnatural.

Besides, I'd probably figure out ways to induce hypomania.


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04 Apr 2012, 4:24 pm

diniesaur wrote:
Actually, I'm bisexual, and in my female body I'm much more attracted to females, but I think that's because to have sex with a male they would probably have to insert a penis into one of my various orifices, and that feels wrong to me 1) because I don't like anal/oral, and vaginal would feel horribly wrong and 2) because I'd much rather be "on top" :wink:

My (FTM) boyfriend and (MTF-inclined) I take a "might as well use what you've got" approach. *happy grin* I tend towards passive meself (though I wouldn't necessarily link that to being trans - just to preference) but I ain't complaining. :wink: It's probably worth your while giving it a go if you get the chance!

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29 Apr 2012, 4:13 pm

I'm a gay FTM/intersex guy and for me coming out as trans was really difficult at first because I've always heard the typical "Oh, I'm so happy I got a princess for a daughter, isn't she pretty? Our own little doll." Well ah, my dad really went mad when I finally corrected him that hey, I'm not a girl and has never been. My biological gender might be female but I've never felt that way by myself, I never got to buy the clothes I wanted and when I finally got to, he had a fit.

But coming out as gay too was even worse. First I thought it was my trans-brain/autistic-brain that had a role in the prank of my sexuality or something, I really felt confused at the time but my therapist was good however, she really made me realize that I'm a guy and I like guys, not a big deal. Everyone except my big bro tried to convince me not to feel trans, (how do you do that?) and be a girly heterosexual girl. Well, I'm not a girly heterosexual girl. I'm gay.

And I'm a guy.

But before I figured everything out, I kinda got a little lost but now I'm stronger than ever. I'm a gay guy so bet it! ;) And I was happy to see that I weren't actually alone. Hello everyone! :lol:


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02 May 2012, 7:35 am

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05 May 2012, 5:57 am

ftm89 wrote:
Everyone except my big bro tried to convince me not to feel trans, (how do you do that?) and be a girly heterosexual girl. Well, I'm not a girly heterosexual girl. I'm gay.

And I'm a guy.

UGH, I know that horrible pain! It makes me so angry. What's even WORSE, though, is when people like my stepmom try to convince me to just be a "badass chick." I am NOT a "chick," and my urge to have a male body, role, and social identity is NOT about being "cool" or "badass"! This gives me horrible, burning rage. I'd talk about it to some of the older Pagans, but unfortunately (and shockingly) the Pagan community can be judgemental towards the LGBTQQIA(...X...K...Z...R...C...) community, so I'm afraid.