can you be gay and still be a good Christian?

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Emu Egg
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05 Nov 2014, 10:31 pm

I've heard it in the bible that being gay is a sin, although there are many Christians who believe in the bible who are gay. Also, the bible says that it isn't good for the man to be alone, yet we aspies can very lonely at times, even to the point where we prefer the same sex. It isn't very easy to be gay and autistic at the same time, but we do need people and a sex life to go with it.

I'm curious to know how gay anal sex feels like. Even more so, I've been so lonely for so long that I'll probably feel like a virgin forever. Yes, I like women too, but they can drive men too crazy. Also, my political view on the subject is pretty conservative, and I've been told to live a sex free life if I want to go to heaven; but, will God accept me into his kingdom for wanting to become a gay Christian?

Also, I have fantasies about interracial gay sex. If I were a white gay man, I want to be a top & my partner to be a Hispanic or Middle Eastern bottom that is around my age or younger, but not too young. The thought about having gay anal sex with these 2 cultures creates confused feelings of hypersexuality in my body.


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05 Nov 2014, 10:39 pm

Is there really such thing as a "good" Christian? I don't need the Bible and I don't need a sex life. The Bible is an outdated, very racist and very misogynistic piece of hate literature.


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06 Nov 2014, 2:10 am

it is highly likely that god has far greater things on god's mind than worrying about somebody's gayness or lack thereof. live your life as you see fit, avoid hurting people, and you'll do alright, this I believe. 8)

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06 Nov 2014, 4:30 am

Didn't Jesus love all?


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06 Nov 2014, 7:42 am

SweetTooth wrote:
Didn't Jesus love all?

He may have loved all, but, according to Old Testament law, homosexuality, lesbianism, transgender, and all sorts of deviant sexual behavior is still a sin. Sins are forgiven, but you are to turn away from those sins once forgiven, else you lose your salvation (according to the theologian Arminius.)

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06 Nov 2014, 7:43 am

The Bible mentions homosexuality (or 'sodomy') in two or three places I think. In each case, it is listed as a sin, with no explanation given for why - so the Bible states homosexuality is a sin, but doesn't explain if this is due to local laws (give to Ceaser, etc.), for maintaining reputation in the local culture ('avoid even the appearance of evil'), or for some other reason.

Although, I ended up leaving Christianity because I found it difficult to believe the Bible and still be a good Christian, so I don't worry about it much these days.

EDIT: A bit googling shows there are more verses about sodomy than I thought. Apparently, the Bible says it can also be caused by God in judgement for some other sin.


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06 Nov 2014, 10:09 am

It appears to some biblical researchers that Jesus healed the gay partner of a Roman centurian.

The Greek word that the Roman centurion uses in this passage to describe the sick man -- pais -- is the same word used in ancient Greek to refer to a same-gender partner....

WOULDJESUSDISCRIMINATE.ORG: "Jesus affirmed a gay couple" ... ouple.html

It appears also to some biblical researchers that Jesus said that some are born gay.

Here Jesus refers to 'eunuchs who have been so from birth.' This terminology ('born eunuchs') was used in the ancient world to refer to homosexual men. Jesus indicates that being a 'born eunuch' is a gift from God....

WOULDJESUSDISCRIMINATE.ORG: "Jesus said some are born gay" ... n_gay.html

I wouldn't presume to tell other Christians what or how to believe, but this evidence is good enough for me.

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06 Nov 2014, 11:16 pm

I am personally not a Christian, though I was raised Episcopalian. My understanding is that the way homosexuality is treated in contemporary Christianity is far, far, overblown compared to its representation in the Bible and relative to other offenses, and this attention is much more political than religious in nature. Can you be gay and treat others with respect and kindness, worship God, do good works, help the less fortunate, and contribute to your community? Yes, absolutely. Can you do those things while leading a lonely, loveless, sexless, existence? I don't really think so. Most of the people I know who believe gay relationships or gay sex will damn you to Hell believe that because they think the act itself of homosexuality corrupts your soul, and therefore prevents you from doing other good things. That's just not true. The world is full of good gay people, Christian or not, so clearly it doesn't inherently make you a bad person. I would argue that what does corrupt your soul like a festering wound is a lifetime of pretending to be a person you're not or simply denying yourself happiness and the potential for honest partnerships, pleasure, a family, etc. Is it more of a sin to act as God made you, or to live a lie, continuously denying the truth of the person God created out of pure goodness and omniscience?

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10 Nov 2014, 6:51 am

The book of Leviticus also contains strict dietary requirements and detailed instructions on what type of animal sacrifice is appropriate for what occasion. I can't think of a single mainstream Christian Church that believes that the Jewish law is binding on gentile Christians, so the argument from Leviticus is somewhat weak. It's true that in the New Testament Jesus declares that he came to fulfill the law, but since the Old Testament also contains the promise of a new law of the heart, that passage is theologically ambiguous, the fulfillment of the law includes it's abrogation.

The bit about Jesus and the Centurion's partner is intriguing. I'd be wary of anyone saying that 'such and such a word in the ancient world means what we mean by gay' though. There is no word in ancient Greek, or any language before the late 19th century, which approximates completely to our concept 'gay'. For example, 'sodomy' can include homosexual acts, but it can also include acts between heterosexual couples, because the medieval Church was really concerned in general about any kind of non-procreative sex, not sexual complementarity in relationships specifcally. Greek ideas about same sex relations include some conceptualisation of same sex love, but again, the sex of partners wasn't so much a concern of the ancient Greeks. The axis around which their conceptualisation of sexuality revolved was free Greek adult male citizens on one side and women, adolescent boys, slaves and foreigners on the other. As long as the former was penetrating the latter pretty much anything went (evidence from vases also suggests a tolerance of relationships between adolescent boys), as long as it didn't run contrary to the principle of moderation. A lot of contemporary researchers in the field of the history of sexuality take care to only use words like 'homosexual' with reference to acts rather than identities

And from the context I always thought the eunuch passage was obviously about celibacy.

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Emu Egg
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17 Nov 2014, 1:00 am

according to what I've read of the bible, admittedly not very in depth, God is supposed to BE love. so I've always questioned how so many "Christians" I've meet can be so critical, eventually i decided it all matters on what context you put the bible's words in and which parts you put emphasis on.
i don't really get religion though so i go on the basic understanding that A: love is the most powerful thing anyone will ever encounter. and B: unless you have something wrong with your head basic morality is essentially there. you KNOW what's right and wrong.
so i can't really see the reasons as to people being against same sex or interracial couples. in my head it's all just a slight difference in chromosomes.


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17 Nov 2014, 1:01 am

I wonder what the thumpers think of gay animals.


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17 Nov 2014, 9:50 am

auntblabby wrote:
I wonder what the thumpers think of gay animals.

As someone who believes and enjoys reading the Bible, I guess that makes me a "thumper." Still, as a gay Christian, I believe the biblical instructions to care for animals ("A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel." --Proverbs 12:10, among others) whether the animals is gay or not. I remember 17 years ago when my local news media questioned research which showed that the California Gull seagull (Utah's official state bird) exhibited some homosexuality at times. I was asked to respond, and took it all tongue-in-cheek while the anti-gay crowd howled in scorn. Even this week, Ireland has been embroiled over some news about several animal and gay activists who have successfully saved a gay bull from slaughter.

Quietly and persistently, God continues His work even for a gay bull in Ireland.

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17 Nov 2014, 9:59 am

I thought that according to Christianity, everyone is a sinner? The church lets in liars, cheaters, drug dealers, and all kinds of people who actually do cause and have caused real harm. I know a wifebeater who picked on a blind kid who speaks at a church around here, and if he's considered good enough then you should be, too - don't be anyone's scapegoat just because homosexuality is a hot issue. As far as I'm concerned, any choices you make concerning these matters are between you and your deity, not you and the middlemen/self-appointed judges.


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17 Nov 2014, 8:36 pm

AspieUtah wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
I wonder what the thumpers think of gay animals.

As someone who believes and enjoys reading the Bible, I guess that makes me a "thumper." Still, as a gay Christian, I believe the biblical instructions to care for animals ("A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel." --Proverbs 12:10, among others) whether the animals is gay or not. I remember 17 years ago when my local news media questioned research which showed that the California Gull seagull (Utah's official state bird) exhibited some homosexuality at times. I was asked to respond, and took it all tongue-in-cheek while the anti-gay crowd howled in scorn. Even this week, Ireland has been embroiled over some news about several animal and gay activists who have successfully saved a gay bull from slaughter.

Quietly and persistently, God continues His work even for a gay bull in Ireland.

my dad had a "gay" bull named Ferdinand. it took no interest in the normal females, but it loved my dad [this was when he was a child] and would sidle up to him and moo joyously when he would go out in the yard.
p.s., I meant no disrespect to you.


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17 Nov 2014, 8:53 pm

auntblabby wrote:
...I meant no disrespect to you.

None taken. Thanks!

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30 Nov 2014, 10:13 am

Of course. I am a Christian and homosexual.