I am bi-sexual, and had 3 girlfriends up unto the time I was 35 (two of the relationships were for about 2 years, and the middle relationship was for about 4 years). I always only had closed relationships with women, and my mind is much at ease with that when with a woman. However, after my last girlfriend, I experimented with the gay scene.
Actually, the first bar I ever went to by myself was a gay bar, and I felt so out of place that I would not have continued if I hadn't found karaoke the next day. I have now had a somewhat tumultous live-in relationship with a gay male for the past 8 years now. I love the guy, but he is very emotional and I am very logical, and the two mix like water and oil. I almost just want to give up at times.
Personally, although I would want a partner relationship, I'd want an open relationship, at least when it is with a guy. Even though I only had closed relationships with women, and my mind was at ease with that, for some reason, my mind can't phathom that I should sexually be with just one guy. I want one guy to be my life-long mate and partner, but not my only sexual partner. Are there others out there who feel that way? My partner doesn't understand me, and I don't understand why he doesn't.