My sex is female, my gender is non-binary (trigender), and my orientations are panromantic/pansexual. I do have romantic/sexual attractions, but neither sex nor gender have any bearing on said attractions. I have been attracted to feminine, masculine, and androgynous people. Typically, I don't have a preference, but sometimes it does fluctuate. Atm, I seem to have a preference for feminine people though. I have only had a few relationships in the past (offline only w/ males, only ever with neurotypicals). Although, I do prefer the company of people who are secular and non-neurotypical, they are the minority (at least in my area), and I'm not too keen on restrictions. I'm not too interested in a relationship atm, and even if I were, I don't think it is currently feasible (due more so to my location and living arrangement than my being non-neurotypical, non-heterosexual, and non-binary gendered).