I have known FTM's who regard themselves as gay, in that their sexual object choice is also male, after transition.
I have met "normal" women who were swishy, as much as I have met normal men who were dykie.
In Tony Atwood's book, there is a section on cross-gender identification in people who have ASD attributes. I don't think most transsexual people have what is regarded as ASD attributes, any more that I think that most ASD attributed people have what is regarded as gender issues.
To my sensibilities, as a transsexual person of 19 years transition, and someone who has attended support groups for over 10 years, I tend to think that it's convenient to have a gender model which supports attributes of 5 genders, male, female, effeminate, emasculate, and androgynous, androgynous being that which spans the other attributes.
I also think that our sexuality is a product of gender, and not the other way around. What are people when they are not being having sex--just being themselves.
Not in the conventional sense, but to my idea of gender ASD attributes are part of one's gender, in that I see gender as only the static and absolute, non-sexual relationship and interaction between our self/id/soul thing and our bodies and the relative dynamics that we feel with others.