Yep, definitely genderqueer here. Mostly androgynous identified, but I don't feel that exactly fits. I don't think I present as visually androgynous (see moustaches at left), but I just have never felt macho enough to "be a man." I don't have a lot of power-strength, but I do have rather a lot of endurance, which is a decidedly feminine characteristic.
Have never been attracted to any sort of physical characteristics, be they gender expressions, body types, hair/eye color etc ... even intelligence I do not find quite so attractive as personality and attitudes.
That being said, I have male plumbing, have dated more women than men, and was married to a woman for 10 years (who was genderqueer also, more masculine than I.) (S)he had major possessive / jealousy / dominance issues over me which became intolerably painful after the first 5 years. I'm quite happily single now. Just me and my kitten, and that'suits me perfectly.
It seems that more than anything I'm attracted to a mix of gentleness and adventerousness. Which means I'm kind of attracted to everyone and no one. Plus, sex having isn't very important to me so much as small physical affection: hugs, cuddling, holding hands or having a hand run through my hair.
Playing into the gender stereotypes, men tend to be be too agressive for me, and women too timid. So most of the people I have dated have been bisexual women who present in a mostly masculine way: jeans, short hair, brassy & forward attitude. Or effeminite men... but I tend to dislike how genderqueer NTs have a tendency to by monomaniacally obsessed with gender issues. It is likely that I won't be able to find an "ideal mate", and that I'm ok with that. There's lots more interesting things to think about and devote time to than thinking about sex all the time.
I wear skirt & some faux fur on my hood, and I walk with a light step like I'm always dancing, usually my voice comes out high and light unless I'm explaining something when it drops into a low monotone. I have a lot of sensitive touch issues with clothing, and the freedom of movement afforded by the skirt, a supposedly feminine garment, is a godsend. Much better than pants.
jeez that was long. sorry