I feel like i was born into the wrong body but i like women so technically i am a lesbian trapped in a male body and i make love much as lesbians do. Some love, others do not, but i feel very at home among all of the LGBT community since in mind and online i can be woman, an with understanding women helping i am pretty good. I began table top rpg where other gamers saw i am male which went to online and i just am.
I cant ever feel all the physical or go through some of their turmoils but other aspects i relate strong to women issues and support most very strongly. What seems to justify now are the tests that put my answers in among female responses more. So be what you feel like yu should be, real friends and those in spectrum will treat you as you wish to be treated. Online someplaces i am very fem, just as other places i am male. have tried to shave off all body hair and women have it easy in that regard. nd i love to wear women's panties they are much more comfortable then any male undies
i ay not have the look so seldome where but the feel is good.
The Truth is out there, it just may not be what you expect or want. Fun is reactions
Last edited by Dreamslost on 13 Apr 2012, 12:03 am, edited 1 time in total.