Gene therapy is currently limited, but I've looked into some potential paths which could lead to much greater potency (genetics is a personal interest). The notion of advancements to the point of restructuring bodies is not too far off. Granted, the more drastic the change, the longer it would take. But the technology is probably only a few decades off (allow for legal hurdles). The real issue is marketability. Genetic restructuring could allow for so many more headaches for law enforcement. And numerous religious factions will predictably oppose it. Given enough time, people will splice in genes from other species for aquatic adaptations, night vision, increased strength/speed, etc. And of course, changes to biological gender will be possible. The question of what it means to be human will be raised. Frankly, I think that's a good thing. Raising new issues tends to improve acceptance of priors.
"You can't take the skies from me"