My longest relationship was with a guy who was confused for some of the time while we were together, or at least was aware of feelings for people of the same sex. He had a brief thing with a guy for a short while, for about six months i think before we got together. Since we split up a while ago, i hear he has been in a relationship with a girl, and are still together now.
On reflection, i don't think i was that mature about it when i was with him, i wasn't nasty or anything, but i might have felt just a little insecure about it, and pushed or probed, without really understanding why i was doing it.
If someone is gonna cheat on you or go off with someone else, i think its a lot less likely it will be just about sexual orientation. It ma be because they are currently the kind of person who cheats, or they like someone more, or the relationship isn't very good.
The guy i was with left me for a girl, someone i had spoken to in a friendly way previously, our relationship on reflection had got pretty bad, perhaps he is a lot happier now, i don't much think about.
I think i would not probe him about about his orientation now, it actually wasn't that important, but i wanted a neat label to pin on him, cos i thought that was what i should have.
I don't think that way now, but plenty of people do, trying to pin a label on someone for their own convenience. That kind of thing of course happens all the time, people telling you what you are, before you have had the chance to discover what you want to do.
I think if possible people should try to resist pinning a label on to people if they can, and think about to what extent they are doing it, because they think it is too scary not to define exactly what a person is, because then they would have to be concerned with what exactly they are. I don't mean just in a sexual orientation way, but in a bigger, who am i, what am i kind of way?
People are uncertain things, but living with uncertainty can be a positive thing. Projection of certainties onto other people is one way of trying to avoid the uncertainty of living. Religion can be another way of trying to project certainties to where there are none.
Anyway, sorry i am writing too much about my thoughts.
Nothing lasts but nothing is lost