As has been stated in this very thread (almost a year ago, by the way), if you see homophobic posts, report them. The moderators have low tolerance for bigotry of any kind.
If you believe that you have been the victim of Homophobic Harassment (e.g., Derogatory and/or offensive remarks about an individual's alleged or real homosexuality), the first think you have to do is document your experiences, including date, time, type of harassment and who was the perpetrator -- this means to quote the offending post in another post. Also, press the 'Report' button at the lower-right corner of the offending post, select the category from the drop-down menu, leave a comment in the space provided, and click 'Submit'.
You can also PM the moderators and/or submit a post in the Moderator Attention thread.
No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.