Once again in my life finding myself on the road less traveled. Thanks to Sarahliveshere for the comment about "fiercely proud"! I like that sentiment and resonate with it! One thing, as a result of being non-normative, I've had to actually come more to face my identity. It's not the easy choice and assumption. So I have to think of what I really want. When I was young, I had experiences with both genders, but when I was ready to settle down, the only model I considered was heterosexual monogamy. Similarly, I also tried to normalize my aspie behaviours. I was pretty embarrassed and highly in denial, kind of mentally whitewashed lots of early experiences for many years. Ii still get embarrassed sometimes. And I hope now I'm more often in a place of loving myself, and totally accepting wherever I am. Yes, I still want to change, and I work damn hard at it, but I also like who I am. Bright Blessings, Indique!