salem44dream wrote:
This is an important subject for gay male aspies, though ... at least it is for me. Because of my lack of sexual experience (two short relationships, and I'm 58 years old), I have no idea whether I'm a "bottom" or a "top." The experiences I did have were awkward and embarrassing, and not helpful at all in figuring out which "role" I prefer.
You're right. I apologise if it seemed as if I was dismissing the entire topic offhand. I'm just a bit fed up with questions of things based on stereotyped assumptions, not just on this site from people on the spectrum, but from all sides. It's hitting me particularly hard because I've gone from a group of friends who are very not like this, to being seemingly surrounded by people (mostly irl) who think that because I have an alternative gender/sex preferences they have the right to ask about my genitals, my sexual habits, to have to justify my identity to complete strangers and casual acquaintances. I know that most people don't intend it to be hurtful, invasive and demeaning (although some do), but it really is.
However this thread is not the place for this particular discourse. Apologise again for the terse rudeness on my part, not just in this thread put to LGBT questions of late. That I've been having a rough time with this doesn't mean I should take it out on people asking questions when I have no idea of the motives.