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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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12 May 2011, 11:10 am

I noticed when I started estrogen I became more in touch with my emotions than I had been in my life, but I also had less control of them. I went from being SUPER laid back and nearly emotionless (except for depression, mostly about being trans and looking male) to being all over the charts. My emotional fits that I had very very rarely were becoming very common place. Emotions seemed like 3d, where they had always been 2d.

Now after more than two years on estrogen, my emotions have slowly deflated back to where they were before (minus the depression). I was wondering if any other aspies have taken HRT and what the effects were on your emotions, if any.

For me, it may have just been a matter of relearning control, or adjusting to medications. I'm honestly not sure.


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12 May 2011, 12:20 pm

n3rdgir1 wrote:
I noticed when I started estrogen I became more in touch with my emotions than I had been in my life, but I also had less control of them. I went from being SUPER laid back and nearly emotionless (except for depression, mostly about being trans and looking male) to being all over the charts. My emotional fits that I had very very rarely were becoming very common place. Emotions seemed like 3d, where they had always been 2d.

Now after more than two years on estrogen, my emotions have slowly deflated back to where they were before (minus the depression). I was wondering if any other aspies have taken HRT and what the effects were on your emotions, if any.

For me, it may have just been a matter of relearning control, or adjusting to medications. I'm honestly not sure.

For me, since I started pre-menopausal symptoms, it appears that my body has been producing either too much estrogen or not enough progesterone, and it had the effect of producing highly volatile emotional states, also. I've been using a topical progesterone cream and it severely curtails the mood swings and I'm mostly back to my rational self. So yes, I'm positive that hormones play a huge part in our moods, and my particular brand of HRT has worked wonders.

Previously Certified Curmudgeon. License expired May 04, 2011
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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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13 May 2011, 7:49 pm

n3rdgir1 wrote:
I noticed when I started estrogen I became more in touch with my emotions than I had been in my life, but I also had less control of them. I went from being SUPER laid back and nearly emotionless (except for depression, mostly about being trans and looking male) to being all over the charts. My emotional fits that I had very very rarely were becoming very common place. Emotions seemed like 3d, where they had always been 2d.

Now after more than two years on estrogen, my emotions have slowly deflated back to where they were before (minus the depression). I was wondering if any other aspies have taken HRT and what the effects were on your emotions, if any.

For me, it may have just been a matter of relearning control, or adjusting to medications. I'm honestly not sure.

I've just recently admitted to myself that I'm transgendered (mtf), and would like to start on hormones soon. I find your post on your emotions after starting HRT extremely interesting and was wondering what, if any, cognitive changes you experienced in addition to the emotional changes?


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15 May 2011, 12:28 am

I don't know if it's relevant to you but it's commonly noticed the other way around, too. Transguys starting testosterone notice a decrease in their emotions, often noting they "can't cry." Maybe for transgirls it's the opposite - HRT naturally cranks up the emotions. Might be hard to deal with, whereas a decrease in emotions is a distinct relief - for me at least, I hate being emotional at all.


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15 May 2011, 7:06 pm

I'm FTM, and I have no idea what normal emotion levels are, or whether I fall into them. A few years ago I was in a very rocky emotional place and was diagnosed bipolar, but in the past year or two things have been very stable. I get happy, I get sad, but no one emotion takes me over any more. I do know that I have a hard time displaying my emotions, and I seem emotionless to some people, but I do have emotions.

I was waiting for my moods to destabilize again when I started testosterone (almost 6 weeks ago) but I've not noticed a change in my moods at all. I rarely cry anyway so I'm not sure if I've become unable to cry. The only change I've noticed is that my social anxiety has eased a little and I just want to be around people.

Transgender. Call me 'he' please. I'm a guy.
Diagnosed Bipolar and Aspergers (questioning the ASD diagnosis).

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--Abbie Hoffman