It's interesting. I can look back in retrospect now and see how being an aspie was, at times, detrimental to my relationships. Maybe I should just speak for myself here. In the relationships I was in, you could say I was a jealous person. I suppose my love interests were my special interests, and in that regard, I protected them like crazy. The first relationship lasted 3 years but I didn't break that one up. Maybe I was possessive at times, but eventually his mother stepped in and forbade his from seeing me anymore. That was his official story. If I did mess up that relationship, I wouldn't have known as I was so wrapped up in it. The second one I purposely ended because I didn't understand how somebody could possibly me in love with a nobody like me. It was confusing, and because it was in the way of my music career, I quit him. I'm paying for it now. So, my advice? Go easy with the new guy. If it develops into a relationship, cool. Can you stop jealous feelings if they arise? I know it was hard for me, and its part of the reason I don't even bother with relationships anymore. Anyway, no matter how hard you try to make a relationship work, something comes along and challenges it. Frustrating, but at least you have the advantage of knowing aspieness can sometimes intrude in relationships and its something worth looking out for.