Did any of the questions that showed m/f response strike odd

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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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Joined: 7 Mar 2012
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22 Mar 2012, 3:53 am

A number of questions asked in some of the online tests showed male/female answers and percentages put a far number of answer i made in a female range and so i am curious if any of the tests may have suggested you were opposite sex no matter how you were born? I get a gut feeling that we may see sides of ourselves we didnt imagine existed or just confirm things we always thought. We may not know the physicality of opposite sex but we may mentally. I find that most things women like, i like and most things characterised as male interests dont interest me. So if you are B or T did any of the tests indicate that mentally you are outside a mold? Since due to many factors it wasnt realistic or possible to look fem and i like women so.. online happened and gee i could be anything... and do it safely and no surprise i found i played males poorly but my females are very believable as females and i enjoy all the social things with other women so mentally i best describe myself as woman trapped in aspies male body and since i love women but feel i am in the wrong body if i could change i would be a lesbian. So of course i support all the LGBT community. But trying to just say this out loud to anyone before now has been impossible. So it puts me even further out from common by being Aspie, older and having mind set i do. Incidently no matter how much girls online may wanted a RL connect i say no because i can only be female online or in fantasy. Though it was easier when i did it table top so everyone knew upfront i was going to play a woman [thankfully with real women helping table top]

The Truth is out there, it just may not be what you expect or want. Fun is reactions