Aspies are notoriously nonjudgmental, non racist, nonhomophobic.
Wanna screw a kid up fast? Invade his privacy, which can lead to future insecurity about exploring even unrelated issues. (I'm not suggesting that you have or are screwing him up, please forgive me if I'm giving that impression)
Aspies think different.
I suggest to make a judgment quickly (on anything he does) if it isn't going to cause any real, rational, valid, immediate harm, let him run with it. Making an 'issue' can do as much, or often more, long term psycho-emotional harm than the original 'weirdness' does. Guide him -on any topic- so he doesn't embarrass himself in public.
Be strong.
Don't think about it at all, because if you do, any confusion, 'disgust', fear, or any other emotion will show somehow, somewhere, and he'll start to doubt/fear/hate himself or parts of himself. (Don't bother pretending that you can hide it, even the most amazing movie stars aren't that good and couldn't 'work' 24/7 anyhow.)
IMO the only thing you can do is to make him feel happy that he is himself, then he'll have the power and confidence to 'fix' anything he dislikes throughout his whole life. =)
(14.01.b) cogito ergo sum confusus
Last edited by 1401b on 04 Jun 2012, 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.