AstroGeek wrote:
I'm probably due for another bad day where I feel stupid and inadequate and wonder if I even want to pursue a career in the field I'm in, and whether I'm good enough to, then remembering that although I'm not as good as I might want to be I'm still gifted and therefore feel obligated to pursue a career in that field...
Don't pursue a course just because you're good at it. What do you *want* to do? What inspires you? I've a knack for mathematics that took me to degree level and I did badly at the end because I just didn't care any more. I didn't want a career in mathematics (the main ones being accountancy, which didn't appeal, or teaching, which appealed even less). I followed my talents rather than my interests, and today I have an office job which uses precisely none of my degree.
That said, my time at university was far from wasted. I learnt a heck of a lot about myself, life in general and my own independence. It's a good time for new things - take a few risks. Try approaching people on your course and in your living area, just to chat with them. Make a few forays into friendship. If they don't work out, you've lost nothing - you'll never see most of your university colleagues again after your course, and it's good practice. I think you'll do better than you realise.