nilescrane wrote:
When I was younger (as in up until I was about 25) I'd get checked out by gay men (usually older men) often despite never/very rarely getting checked out by women, even "unattractive women." I was very thin and frail looking and had a babyface. And now that I look my age, am more filled out, have less of a baby face, men and women alike guess my age right on the dot frequently and I never get carded and all that good stuff.
when i stopped getting carded after my 40s, that depressed me somewhat. it was then that i was officially an old fart and not a pretty young thing anymore. damn.

nilescrane wrote:
I also noticed an owner of a local furniture outlet in town with a very young, latin boy (the guy is in his 50s/60s.)
lucky #@$%&?! ! chicken hawk.
nilescrane wrote:
I don't mean this in an offensive way at all, and know that it in no way represents all gay men...but what is the appeal with boyish looking...well boys...not even men? I guess I just found it weird how I was frequently checked out by gay men but not at all attractive to what were they seeing?
as an official old fart, i can tell you that i am enamored of pretty young men, the more feminine/effeminate the better, especially if they are hipsy/thighsy and buttsy. i am guessing that this is a kind of residual heterosexual lust expressed in a homosexual manner. there are gay or bi men who find effeminate men repulsive, and i can't guess what is going on in such hypermasculine/macho men's heads for them to think that way. women have always ignored me [at best] also, so you are not alone in that regard.