Is it possible that I'm really just asexual and not gay?

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25 Oct 2011, 6:28 pm

For awhile I've told people that I was gay, but frequently I've been wondering if maybe I'm just asexual? The reason I think this is because I have honestly never had the desire to be in a relationship or have sex with anyone in real life. I have sexual fantasies that involve men but that is all, the men I fantasize about if I met in real life I honestly would never try to touch them.

Even when people bring up relationships with me telling me things like "Oh you will make a wonderful husband some day", I shrug it off like "yeah, right" because for some reason I just don't want to be a husband or even a boyfriend. I think maybe partly it's because I'm so cynical about relationships because my Mom has had four husbands and lots of boyfriends, but even people who are cynical about relationships will still attempt to have sex with people. The idea of actually doing it rather than fantasizing about it just makes me feel uncomfortable.

I was always told it was just a phase I was going through when I was a teenager and that I would eventually grow out of it, but I'm in my early 20's now and I still don't have the desire to have sex or be in a relationship. All I want out of life are good friends and my closest family members.

So I guess what I'm asking is, what do you guys think of being completely asexual? Do you think it's very possible that I'm that way? :?

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25 Oct 2011, 7:41 pm

Have you looked at any asexual website resources? There's some with personal stories out there that might help you better understand yourself.

Asexualism comes in varying shades, from people who literally have no sex drive what so ever to people who only form sexual attractions after they're romantically attached to someone.

Here's a good starter resource:

Your story sounds pretty similar to mine. I identify as gay and I know I'm attracted to women, but I've never wanted to date anybody. And I'd be the same if I met the girls I think about in real life. I mean, I do want to date because I feel like if I don't start now I'm going to end up a 40 year old virgin, but I've never really wanted to date a specific individual or even really felt attracted to one. Also, according to my math the divorce rate in my family is over 90%. I'm pretty cynical about relationships too.

I'd like a relationship one day. I don't want to grow up and be alone. But I'm not really sure realistically that I'd like being in a relationship with anyone.

I don't really think about it too much anymore, though. I identify as gay because it's the most useful label for me. Guys (mostly) stop hitting on me when I tell them, and if the opportunity ever came along with a girl I'd take it just for the experience. People don't really question why I'm not in a relationship when I tell them, which is another bonus. I basically just have a "wait and see" policy right now. I mean, unless you think you're going to get some kind of benefit from changing your label, why bother? Labels aren't ever perfect. They're just tools we use to get people off our backs. And to connect to others and feel less alone in the world. So go check out some websites, dude!


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25 Oct 2011, 8:50 pm

mori_pastel wrote:
Have you looked at any asexual website resources? There's some with personal stories out there that might help you better understand yourself.

Asexualism comes in varying shades, from people who literally have no sex drive what so ever to people who only form sexual attractions after they're romantically attached to someone.

Here's a good starter resource:

Your story sounds pretty similar to mine. I identify as gay and I know I'm attracted to women, but I've never wanted to date anybody. And I'd be the same if I met the girls I think about in real life. I mean, I do want to date because I feel like if I don't start now I'm going to end up a 40 year old virgin, but I've never really wanted to date a specific individual or even really felt attracted to one. Also, according to my math the divorce rate in my family is over 90%. I'm pretty cynical about relationships too.

I'd like a relationship one day. I don't want to grow up and be alone. But I'm not really sure realistically that I'd like being in a relationship with anyone.

I don't really think about it too much anymore, though. I identify as gay because it's the most useful label for me. Guys (mostly) stop hitting on me when I tell them, and if the opportunity ever came along with a girl I'd take it just for the experience. People don't really question why I'm not in a relationship when I tell them, which is another bonus. I basically just have a "wait and see" policy right now. I mean, unless you think you're going to get some kind of benefit from changing your label, why bother? Labels aren't ever perfect. They're just tools we use to get people off our backs. And to connect to others and feel less alone in the world. So go check out some websites, dude!

Actually I have read a little about asexuality on the internet which is what has gotten me thinking that I may be asexual. I can totally relate to what you said except for the part about wanting a relationship some day. Right now I enjoy my best friends and my family, but I don't want to "share" my life with somebody in an intimate way. I think one of the reasons is because I know I have such a submissive personality and I'm afraid of being with somebody who will completely control me the way my Mom did.

Also I honestly think I could kind of label myself as Bi in addition to be Asexual. I have some sexual attraction to men (at least the ones I fantasize about, real life ones not so much), but I feel more emotionally attached to women. I admire women for being beautiful and compassionate and I often times feel more comfortable being around a slightly older female than I do a man. But I honestly don't think I could have sex with either. One of the reasons being that I have never been aroused being around somebody I really liked or found attractive, my arousol only comes when I'm alone and able to fantasize.


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25 Oct 2011, 8:52 pm

GreySun369 wrote:
. . . I fantasize about if I met in real life I honestly would never try to touch them. . .

I am hetereosexual and that is largely my experience. (Hope you don't mind me responding here. Saw your post on the main board of new posts)

I mean, I largely live inside my head anyway. I like fantasy and pornographic writing and erotic writing a lot, more so than pictures and images.

I have had some relationships, first one at age 26. For me, relationships have gone astray in that the person wants a lot more together time than I do. Next relationship, I'm actually looking forward to telling the person I'm aspie (self-diagnosed) and that I need a lot of alone time. I think that will actually give us a chance to get lucky and connect, if it's going to happen.


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25 Oct 2011, 8:57 pm

AardvarkGoodSwimmer wrote:
GreySun369 wrote:
. . . I fantasize about if I met in real life I honestly would never try to touch them. . .

I am hetereosexual and that is largely my experience. (Hope you don't mind me responding here. Saw your post on the main board of new posts)

I mean, I largely live inside my head anyway. I like fantasy and pornographic writing and erotic writing a lot, more so than pictures and images.

I have had some relationships, first one at age 26. For me, relationships have gone astray in that the person wants a lot more together time than I do. Next relationship, I'm actually looking forward to telling the person I'm aspie (self-diagnosed) and that I need a lot of alone time. I think that will actually give us a chance to get lucky and connect, if it's going to happen.

Well see I'm honestly not even into pornagraphy and eroticism that much. I'm going to be a bit blunt as this is something I don't normally tell people, but I have an unsual fetish called capnolagnia which is a sexual attraction to people that smoke. I think it's pretty gross because I don't smoke and hate being around smokers but it's something I can't control, yet at the same time I could never see myself actually having sex with a smoker because being with one in real life would not arouse me. I really never get aroused from people I meet in real life, just the ones I see on TV and become a part of my fantasy.

Does that make any sense?


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25 Oct 2011, 9:31 pm

I actually thought I might be gay, but I was never attracted to anyone in the bars, or dating websites I went to. Ultimately I accepted I was asexual and once I did, I had this weight lifted off me. It's liberating accepting who you are.


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26 Oct 2011, 5:59 am

GreySun369 wrote:
For awhile I've told people that I was gay, but frequently I've been wondering if maybe I'm just asexual? The reason I think this is because I have honestly never had the desire to be in a relationship or have sex with anyone in real life. I have sexual fantasies that involve men but that is all, the men I fantasize about if I met in real life I honestly would never try to touch them.

That sounds a bit like me. For a while I was telling guys I was gay if that subject came up just to get them to leave me alone. That didn't always work and some would say maybe I just didn't meet the right man yet. I'd be open to doing it with a woman if I was going to do it at all but I never did. Actually at this point in this body if I was active I don't really feel a preference one way or the other for men or women. If I were to start up again I could go either or both ways.

At this point I imagine I'd like being a gay man but since I'm a woman that isn't physically possible. Also the men I fantasize about are fictional and don't exist. I can't even remember the last time I was attracted to a real person in real life.

One of the big fetishes I have is being bitten by vampires. A good biting scene in something I read or watch gets me going better than any sex scene ever could.


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26 Oct 2011, 10:08 am

hanyo wrote:
GreySun369 wrote:
One of the big fetishes I have is being bitten by vampires. A good biting scene in something I read or watch gets me going better than any sex scene ever could.

That's like me with guys smoking, seeing a man light up a cigar or pipe on TV is better than any porn video. Yet I would never want to actually have sex with somebody like that because to be frank smokers disgust me. So I think that's part of my asexuality, some asexuals can have fetishes and be aroused by certain things but they would never want to actually engage in sex in real life.


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26 Oct 2011, 3:28 pm

Okay, so you like smoking and particularly the lighting up scene.

And hanyo, you like vampires and a good biting scene, which might play off dominance-submission? Or it might not, and either way is perfectly okay.

One of my big things is spanking. And for years and years, I would feel very guilty and would periodically try and condition myself to more 'normal' fantasies. I mean, I've been a member of Amnesty International for crying out loud (!) and am against different types of abuse. So, how can me being a good guy and constructive individual like the occasional Penthouse letter gem (my younger days) about spanking? Well, maybe precisely because it is out of character for me and a welcome relief from my over serious life, and a different way of saying all is right in the world and that connection with the universe.

So, GreySun369, maybe part of the appeal of smoking for you precisely is that it's out of character and a break from a serious life? Or, a life in which the present is so heavily mortgaged for the future, which I know I do. And you might find, say, a nice medical student who doesn't smoke and who's against it because it's really unhealthy, but who's a good sport, and into the occasional adventure and who's willing to sportively light up occasionally. And with his massive studies might appreciate the fact that you need a lot of alone time and likes the fact that you have very interesting topics to discuss, all without trying too hard.

Or, maybe something else entirely different that the two of you create together. And you may or may not be the kind of aspie who needs a lot of alone time, and again, either is perfectly fine.

And hanyo, you might be able to find a friend, then a date, then boyfriend/girlfriend, then lover, who's wiling to play all kinds of games, either as a lark and romp or seriously. And who might find your games fascinating.

Just the standard advice, take it medium step by medium step, feeling your way each step (for myself, the time to feel my way each step is more important than the time to think my way).


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27 Oct 2011, 8:45 pm

... I honestly don't think it could ever work out that way. :?

The truth is I honestly just don't want to ever have sex. There are times when I think I do just because everybody preassures me for being a virgin for this long, but after I get over the peer preassure I go back to realizing it's just not something I want to do. I also don't ever want an intimate relationship either because my views on love and marriage have been so messed up by generally everybody I know. It's not a choice I'm making like celibacy, it's just how I really feel deep down and nothing has ever changed it.


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27 Oct 2011, 9:44 pm

GreySun369 wrote:
For awhile I've told people that I was gay, but frequently I've been wondering if maybe I'm just asexual? The reason I think this is because I have honestly never had the desire to be in a relationship or have sex with anyone in real life. I have sexual fantasies that involve men but that is all, the men I fantasize about if I met in real life I honestly would never try to touch them.

Even when people bring up relationships with me telling me things like "Oh you will make a wonderful husband some day", I shrug it off like "yeah, right" because for some reason I just don't want to be a husband or even a boyfriend. I think maybe partly it's because I'm so cynical about relationships because my Mom has had four husbands and lots of boyfriends, but even people who are cynical about relationships will still attempt to have sex with people. The idea of actually doing it rather than fantasizing about it just makes me feel uncomfortable.

I was always told it was just a phase I was going through when I was a teenager and that I would eventually grow out of it, but I'm in my early 20's now and I still don't have the desire to have sex or be in a relationship. All I want out of life are good friends and my closest family members.

So I guess what I'm asking is, what do you guys think of being completely asexual? Do you think it's very possible that I'm that way? :?

I was a lot like you. I identify as mildly bisexual with asexual tendencies. I'd totally be ok if I never got into a relationship, but if I did, that's ok too.

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28 Oct 2011, 4:45 am

GreySun369 wrote:
... I honestly don't think it could ever work out that way. :?

The truth is I honestly just don't want to ever have sex. There are times when I think I do just because everybody preassures me for being a virgin for this long, but after I get over the peer preassure I go back to realizing it's just not something I want to do. I also don't ever want an intimate relationship either because my views on love and marriage have been so messed up by generally everybody I know. It's not a choice I'm making like celibacy, it's just how I really feel deep down and nothing has ever changed it.

You might want to check out Laci Green's video about virginity :) some of the points she puts accross (definitely not all) definitely ring true to what you've said

It's all down to how YOU feel at the end of the day. Not anybody else. Personally for me I'm bisexual. I find more of a sexual attraction to males, but my romantic attraction probably stems more towards females. I kept my virginity until I was 21 - I had a few opportunities to jump in and lose it (with both genders at that), but I didn't. Granted in retrospect - I may have not lost it to the best choice of people, but I didn't regret my decision : )


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28 Oct 2011, 3:39 pm

I saw the movie "Captain America" last night (okay, not great), and the relationship, I think it's called chivalry, all the main male character did was kiss his main romantic interest at the end.

And I think in the middle ages, a knight and his lady, that was idealized as perfection.

And from history, I'm thinking there's got to be several versions of this which are specifically gay.