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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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28 Oct 2011, 1:13 pm

We hear a lot from various sources that Asperger's syndrome and other autistic spectrum disorders are manifestations of an overly male brain. But how can that be true, when there are many male-to-female transgender Aspies, such as me?

If I have an overly male brain, why do I cry every day wishing I were female?


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28 Oct 2011, 4:35 pm

I personally think the overly-male-brain theory is wrong. How would it explain the lack of emotional control that is often noted to occur in people on the autism spectrum and that is seen as a stereotypically female trait? Also, the user... Samarda I believe posted information about Asperger's being linked to low testosterone levels. While yes that is not the same as prenatal testosterone level and whatever other factors create a male brain, calling Asperger's "extreme male-brainedness" gives the impression that the person thinks and behaves in ways that are across-the-board extremely male, but experience and behavior is determined by a lot more than the structure of the brain at birth even if it is "extremely male."

I am truly sorry you are in such distress due to wanting to be female. For what it's worth in my opinion since you identify as female that's all it takes for you to be female, since self-identification is such an integral part of self-ownership... I know it is a complicated process but what are the things you do not have that would make you feel legitimately female? Recognition from others as female? Recognition from strangers as female? I am just wondering what might help you since you are in so much distress.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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28 Oct 2011, 5:26 pm

I'm a guy, but I can't remember the last time I was referred to as one lol. I more often than not am referred to as a girl :P But I am by no means transgender.

However admittedly I'm quite flamboyant and no one makes the assumption I'm straight (okay, in their defence, I'm Bi-Sexual :P)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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29 Oct 2011, 9:17 am

It's bollocks and insulting to MtF transgenders. I'm sure if you did a brain scan on an MtF transgender with autism you would find the same "leaning towards female" you do on regular MtFs.
though what "Overly male" means is a mystery - does it mean in terms of sexuality, interests, overall demeanor?

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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29 Oct 2011, 12:03 pm

purchase wrote:
I am truly sorry you are in such distress due to wanting to be female. For what it's worth in my opinion since you identify as female that's all it takes for you to be female, since self-identification is such an integral part of self-ownership... I know it is a complicated process but what are the things you do not have that would make you feel legitimately female? Recognition from others as female? Recognition from strangers as female? I am just wondering what might help you since you are in so much distress.

Yes; I want most people to recognize me as female. But I also need to look in the mirror and see a woman, and want to find someone who loves me as a woman. I want someone to hold me and caress me. =(

Snowy Owl
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01 Nov 2011, 8:07 pm

It is also insulting to FtM aspies, and cisgender female aspies. A FtM aspie could be dismissed as not "really" being trans the way NT people are trans. Female aspies meanwhile get their gender identity diminished by being told they aren't as feminine as NT women. In fact I saw a study earlier in the year that tried to use the male brain theory to attack FtMs, as being "more autistic" than other populations, and therefore (according to the study's ableist language) mentally deficient.

"Overly male" in this case would refer to a theory that the male brain is characterized by a systemizing, analytical bent, and that autism represents a brain overly devoted to analysis and systemizing. There is no proof that either claim is correct. There's still a lot of research going on concerning differences in NT versus autistic brains, in order to produce a cure, but nobody has one yet, clearly. On the other hand, while the brains of men and women do differ in structure slightly, debate continues over what that means in practical terms.

Snowy Owl
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02 Nov 2011, 6:29 am

Maybe if you're a biological woman and you feel you have an over-male mind? I don't know. I tend to relate and get along better with men than woman. There have been times when I've wondered if I were a man in a woman's body, but then I think of the woman aspects I like.
Perhaps it's the gender's mind being more towards the opposite biological sex? I don't know. I'm just rambling on now. I wish you luck on figuring things out. I wish us all luck on figuring ourselves out. =)

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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04 Nov 2011, 10:14 am

I really don't believe that theory, it certainly wouldn't correlate with my experience!