I feel like and think like both Genders.

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29 Oct 2011, 6:29 pm

I am one of the few on WP that is a male that feels like a boy and girl I am Bi-Gender how do women handle their emotions :?:


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29 Oct 2011, 9:50 pm

I'm both too. It's really hard for me in the work place sometimes because I don't socialize well with the other women. I have more male friends than female. As far as my sexual identity goes I feel like a female Captain Jack Harkness. I can't say I handle my emotions very well sometimes I can be guy mellow but other women stress me out a little. I have very strong mimicking habits too so often the other person's behaviors determine my relationship with them.


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30 Oct 2011, 3:12 pm

Angel_ryan wrote:
I have very strong mimicking habits too so often the other person's behaviors determine my relationship with them.

I am glad you mentioned that! I often feel like I don't have a real personality because of this.

I get along better with guys too. The only problem is that I am not a tom-boyish girl so a lot of guys don't want to be around me. Once a guy said the reason was because he was attracted to me and I was just a friend.


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30 Oct 2011, 3:20 pm

Joker wrote:
I am one of the few on WP that is a male that feels like a boy and girl I am Bi-Gender how do women handle their emotions :?:

What exactly does that mean? Are you attracted to both sexes or just identify as being both?

I grew up in a household where there was no such thing as gender roles. Both my parents work and share household responsibilities. I grew up playing with toy cars, legos, blocks. I had a microscope and liked to build things. Oh btw I am a girl. I really dont understand the whole gender thing because most of the time it is what a culture/society determines to be the "norm" and does not reflect everything.

Pileated woodpecker
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30 Oct 2011, 6:09 pm

bi-gender describes a tendency to move between feminine and masculine gender-typed behavior depending on context. I think that some men that are this way are not as bad as the rest of them.


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01 Nov 2011, 3:27 am

I honestly think, when people started teaching us about women's rights, that confused the s**t outta me. I wrote a really bad essay Jr year of high-school where I thought there was no gender differences.

Then I went off to college, befriended this gay guy who basically didnt care about gender differences a whole lot. He could relate equally to either gender and he went off making jokes about reverse gender roles. So I didnt have a real gender identity. I knew I was female, had no desire to change but I didnt identify with females. Then I made female friends, they eventually drove me crazy and I felt so inhibited with them. So I started hating being female even more.

Now, I made my close female genuine female friend. And its really nice, It helped me to realize how I'm female and slowly start to settle into my gender. Cause face the fact, I dont have an option, if I keep repulsing my female role Im just gonna be nothing but mad a lot. But I still accept the fact that I have both male and female traits. Honestly, I find male body language more easy to imitate. But i gotta look at females and pick up traits and that's harder.

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02 Nov 2011, 6:55 am

Ai_Ling wrote:
I honestly think, when people started teaching us about women's rights, that confused the sh** outta me. I wrote a really bad essay Jr year of high-school where I thought there was no gender differences.

Then I went off to college, befriended this gay guy who basically didnt care about gender differences a whole lot. He could relate equally to either gender and he went off making jokes about reverse gender roles. So I didnt have a real gender identity. I knew I was female, had no desire to change but I didnt identify with females. Then I made female friends, they eventually drove me crazy and I felt so inhibited with them. So I started hating being female even more.

Now, I made my close female genuine female friend. And its really nice, It helped me to realize how I'm female and slowly start to settle into my gender. Cause face the fact, I dont have an option, if I keep repulsing my female role Im just gonna be nothing but mad a lot. But I still accept the fact that I have both male and female traits. Honestly, I find male body language more easy to imitate. But i gotta look at females and pick up traits and that's harder.

Well, with everything this says, and then the other things that were said, I agree completely. xD I know the feeling.


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02 Nov 2011, 7:31 am

Everybody has both a male & female side to their personality. You might enjoy reading Carl Jung's theories of anima and animus. :)


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02 Nov 2011, 1:13 pm

I've had trouble understanding people who claim to feel like both or neither genders until I realised they're talking about cultural depictions of gender, which are stereotypical and flawed at best. It is impossible to feel like anything except yourself, you may relate to certain archetypes not typically attributed to you because of various percieved characteristics (gender being one of the more prominent) but I don't see how this is in any way remarkable. I only have personal experience and observations to go on but I have never met someone who fits only a single archetype.

Chances are, if you're offended by something I said, it was an attempt at humour.

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02 Nov 2011, 5:37 pm

Lecks wrote:
I've had trouble understanding people who claim to feel like both or neither genders until I realised they're talking about cultural depictions of gender, which are stereotypical and flawed at best. It is impossible to feel like anything except yourself, you may relate to certain archetypes not typically attributed to you because of various percieved characteristics (gender being one of the more prominent) but I don't see how this is in any way remarkable. I only have personal experience and observations to go on but I have never met someone who fits only a single archetype.

VERY well put. Though, I can understand people claiming to feel both, because NTs, which are the majority, tend to live and focus/work around the sterotypical gender for male and female. Because of this, people that fit in the opposite of what was born in, or very in the middle, are going to be seen as a bit off/odd to the general world, which in turn makes them confused about themselves.

Pileated woodpecker
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03 Nov 2011, 2:14 pm

Trust me my brother Joker is known for his masculine and feminine gender behavior.

I wish I was a Succubus


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03 Nov 2011, 4:18 pm

I do think bi-gender or neither gender whatever is very common with aspies. Because we dont know the social rules and gender makes up more then half of an individuals social rules. NTs dont consciously think, "because Im _____I need to act like ______. Its sub-conscious for the most part. Its in small ways like, I don't want to do this because there are no other girls doing that. Some women might think they should read ettiquette books. Well they wouldnt be thinking that if they were born male.

So us aspies, have little concept of social norms so we have little concept of gender roles. We just inhabit whatever we want socially. Often times they involves taking on parts from both genders. Doing some stuff that is more common with the other gender. For example, I can be argumentative and quick to disagree with people, that's more of a masculine trait. Whereas NT females were trained to be highly agreeable since they were young and always seek to relate to each other. People are trained to seek out there own gender more readily.

Pileated woodpecker
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03 Nov 2011, 5:24 pm

Ai_Ling wrote:
I do think bi-gender or neither gender whatever is very common with aspies. Because we dont know the social rules and gender makes up more then half of an individuals social rules. NTs dont consciously think, "because Im _____I need to act like ______. Its sub-conscious for the most part. Its in small ways like, I don't want to do this because there are no other girls doing that. Some women might think they should read ettiquette books. Well they wouldnt be thinking that if they were born male.

So us aspies, have little concept of social norms so we have little concept of gender roles. We just inhabit whatever we want socially. Often times they involves taking on parts from both genders. Doing some stuff that is more common with the other gender. For example, I can be argumentative and quick to disagree with people, that's more of a masculine trait. Whereas NT females were trained to be highly agreeable since they were young and always seek to relate to each other. People are trained to seek out there own gender more readily.

I agree my brother will agree with you too I think you could understand him better then I do :D

BTW I am a girly girl at heart but I am a lesbian.

I wish I was a Succubus

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21 Nov 2011, 1:50 am

I am all over the place when it comes to gender roles. I can be feminine and wear heals, tom-boyish and wear androgynous-style clothing, and I actually perform/dance in Drag....I could never perform as a "girl," though, it's weird....

I also go through "bouts" of being feminine or masculine, mentally and emotionally, if that makes sense.

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10 Dec 2011, 7:17 pm

look up 2d 4d ratio. Then measure your fingers. I have always known that I do NOT have what I refer to as testosterone poisoning. I am not all that competitive. I think of myself more the Alan Alda type. And my 2nd finger is longer than my 4th

You can fool people, but nature can not be fooled

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10 Dec 2011, 10:39 pm

I feel the same way, I've always been androgynous. Tried the barbie doll thing before and it was just a fake waste of time. Unfortunately people at uni have spead the rumor I had a dick, which isn't true, or that I'm a tranny, which isn't true. I had dysphoria over my gender because of periods a long time ago but I got over that.
It's great not caring what gender I come off as cause deep inside I feel like a dude half the time. But I'm just tooo 'sensitive' to actually 'be' a dude mentally. Also if my executive funxtioning weren't degrading, and if I were not mentally ill, I would have babies, or be a wife.

Anyways... The sh***y thingis, I'm not sure if it's my androgyny that's a put off to men, or if it's because I just can't get over the social barrier that puts a wall between me and 99% of the people I talk to...
Cause I had lots of men show an interest but I can never talk to them enough or get close enough to ever be a potential date which is supremely depressing at this point of my life since my identity as an artist is pretty well established
So the target audience for any 'potential' dates is lesbians, tg's, bi men, older men, and gay guys have found me attractive but wouln't dare hit on me :o