For anyone questioning whether they may be asexual.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Oct 2011, 10:51 am

I've seen a few people question if they may be asexual lately on the forum (one person in particular comes to mind : ) ) and felt that this might help with some clarity. Laci Green is great on her talks into the world of sex as a whole covering a range of topics. So I highly recommend you check her videos out if you liked this one.


I hope this gives at least one person a little bit of clarity.

Also according to the video - it's asexual awareness week! I know I've done my bit ;) hehe


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29 Oct 2011, 11:05 am

Good video :)

Balance is needed within the universe, can be demonstrated in most/all concepts/things. Black/White, Good/Evil, etc.
All dependent upon your own perspective in your own form of existence, so trust your own gut and live the way YOU want/need to.


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17 Dec 2011, 5:22 pm

i'm not personally asexual, but i have 4 friends in real life (not on the internet) that are, 3 asexual girls and 1 asexual guy.


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17 Dec 2011, 8:04 pm

I think I may very well be Asexual...then again I do have fleeting moments of sexual attraction to both genders...but its so rare and brief you could say I have none at all...
Maybe I just have to meet the right _person_ for me....
...or perhaps I'm just too scared of rejection that I don't even give myself the chance...
or I'm too emotionally removed from myself sometimes that I just don't recognise the feeling of love or sexual desire...
*cover your children's eyes and discontinue from reading out loud*
I just don't get the whole sex ;) thing too...what is so appealing of the rough process of blending human fluids and creating new fleshy humans that may hate me for it in the future...
and don't get me started on childbirth!...
do you know the initial infatuation or falling in love is just a socially acceptable form of OCD...That its caused by high levels of dopamine...I read that somewhere...maybe its not true...its sounds strange...but worth a mention as it was a magazine with reputable sources..
anyway Its 1 am, I'm over tired ,ranting and will prob. be embarrassed about this post later in which it may be deleted...
ok ,Bedtime for me...

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Sea Gull
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04 Jan 2012, 11:31 am

I know I'm asexual. \o/
I never remember when asexual awareness week is though. >_<