Ive been thinkin that to find someone like me, I would need to go to the circles where I would want to go and I should simply start living the way I want, that way I could meet up with myself somewhere. I was also thinking of contacting myself somehow, but then I realized it's impossible, or at least highly unlikely. I dont want to contact me in my current state of course, because I'm struggling with the world as of now. But when I'm free and doing what I want, then I know I could manage, but if I would have to start dating "me" as I'm now, that simply wouldnt work out. a person needs to be individual and mature in thought. I've been in the crossroads for too long and simply want to move on. I knew figuring out the world wasn't an easy task, but maybe this is why I want to meet someone who also is trying to figure out the world and has gotten relatively far at it. One could imagine it as a tuning process. reprogramming the body to work in symbiosis with the mind and spirit and the reality within. This trip itself is one hell of an experience but one would find great pleasure sharing it with some independent observer who's confident enough to go where no "sane" person would.
edit: I thought of another way of expressing this. I'm in a state where I have to choose how will I begin to live. I would love to meet myself now so I could help myself decide but then again I know I need to choose for myself and that I will meet "myself" on the path once I've selected one.
Last edited by JayL on 06 Jan 2012, 7:37 am, edited 1 time in total.