Not sure what I want?
I feel like I don't really want a relationship but I probably should want one, if that makes sense?
I'm 26 and never been in any kind of relationship with another male (or female). I feel odd that I'm still a virgin but at the same time I'm not desperately looking for sex. I wonder if it's truly that don't want it, or I'm just afraid.
I would fear telling my parts I have a boyfriend, even though I've come out to them and they've said that, while they're not over the moon, they still accept me no matter what. It's still against their religious beliefs though.
The whole social aspect doesn't appeal to me, and some of the gay people I've met have been shallow and effeminate.
I'm confused...
Who says you should want anything?
Sex is important, but it is not the only thing that keeps a successful relationship together. It seems to me that you can focus your attention on cultivating friends, and if you happen to start dating one of your friends and a sexual relationship emerges from that, then that's all to the good. If no sexual realtionship emerges, it does not sound like you will feel particularly hard done by.
I felt very similar when I was about 20 (now 27). I felt like I didn't want a relationship and even convinced myself and others of this. It wasn't until a few years ago that I realised I have wanted to be with someone for quite sometime but I was afraid and didn't know how best to approach it. It also doesn't help that I'm gay and so have to tackle those obstacles.
For me though it's not all about the sex, I think I would like the companionship more than anything else. To share my life with someone, someone who I can help and care for and who can do the same for me. As with you, most of the gay people I know seem to live through their sexuality, priding themselves on being gay, whilst it something I'm not ashamed of I just want a normal relationship with someone who doesn't live to be gay. It sounds to me that you may very well be afraid of some aspect of dating, I know for a long time I was and in fact I still am, but the prospect of being united with someone that's like me that could make me happy - that's something I do not want to miss out on.
For me though it's not all about the sex, I think I would like the companionship more than anything else. To share my life with someone, someone who I can help and care for and who can do the same for me. As with you, most of the gay people I know seem to live through their sexuality, priding themselves on being gay, whilst it something I'm not ashamed of I just want a normal relationship with someone who doesn't live to be gay. It sounds to me that you may very well be afraid of some aspect of dating, I know for a long time I was and in fact I still am, but the prospect of being united with someone that's like me that could make me happy - that's something I do not want to miss out on.
Feel exactly the same way-sexuality is only one part of a person just as is autism-I want a relationship and based on more than sex-I do not know how anyone can go out on one date and have sex after one date without knowing a person well-sex is a very intimate thing and you just jump int be without knowing anything like previous encounters and the possibility of diseases. I need to be more comfortable with a person and in fact another spie I know and was trying to move a relationship to a new level did just that-went on one date with a person and right into bed and is now going getting tested for things-I have never been with anyone so post sex testing would not have been necessary-and if they still wanted to be tested-I would be right there getting it done too-not like the other first date person-where are they in all of this and I get the worried chat and text messages about going and getting tested. Gave it up in one night to a person they didn't even know and I was hanging out with them for over a year and being a real caring and good friend and thrown away like that.
No Pain.-No Pain!! !!