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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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18 Mar 2013, 4:55 pm

Here's a fellow that I felt I little surprised that no one in these LGBT forum have mentioned or don't know. Songwriter-singer/ video blogger Chris Crocker. Either, because he has more haters then I thought or you guys haven't heard of him- I don't know. But, I've been watching his videos on YouTube; some are hilarious some might piss you off, some are good motivation and some are just good to watch for the heck of it because you have nothing else to do.
Anyway, Chris I beleive, is a bit gender queer however he's shown to be comfortable with being in both male or female roles. Watching his videos, he just seems to swap one role to another. One vid he'll be dressed up as female while in one he'd look like an averadge gay male. These videos are more recent videos, much older videos of him are when he was a typical gay teenager. ANYWAY THE POINT! I just find a handful of Chris Crockers videos good motivation if your being emotionally tested, weither your gay, gender queer or transgender. Um, if I could paste the videos up by iPod touch I would, but since I can't do that until I have the computer, I'll just save this a share them in a minute. Thanks for reading and comment!

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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18 Mar 2013, 5:02 pm

Oh yeah, WARNING yes Chris is a hot headed person so there may be swearing in his videos, haha! Thought I should let you guys know.

Big things have small beginnings...
- David (Prometheus)

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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18 Mar 2013, 5:38 pm

Here's one of his videos discussing a major problem that transgenders face while out-in-the-town day-to-day kind of stuff. Using public bathrooms! (If the language is too inappropriate for the mods of WP and have to delete the server, my apologies.)

Big things have small beginnings...
- David (Prometheus)

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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18 Mar 2013, 5:55 pm

I'm Straight Now... is focusing on "The different shades of gay" on how typical people are "boxing in" what defines a gay person. How people are determining weither a person is gay or not by just the way they dress or act. I, though I'm not gay, can relate to the video because of the way people assume that I am gay because I'm biologiclly a female but dress up like a male. People defining me by just my clothes and the way I act as a person.

Big things have small beginnings...
- David (Prometheus)