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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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Joined: 20 Jan 2012
Gender: Female
Posts: 1

21 Jan 2012, 4:50 am

I have found a girlfriend and been with her over a month and that is good for me. well i like her and she loves me and well she has a 7 year old daughter who likes me and well she and her daughter want me to move in but her daughter does not know about me and aspergers. I only been around her daughter like 3 times and she not notice anyhing to abnormal wen I rocked in front of her my girlfriend just grabbed me and pretended like she making me rock and the daughter just "mama your crazy your moving Elizabeth" so i mean like if i lived with them her daughter would need to know so it comes to how do i tell her daughter or how do we tell her daughter. I just thinking and my girlfriend only known me a month and she dont know me well enough to live with me and well idk if me living withher is right yet but well how do i not hurt her feelings. i mean well i hurt her feelings all the time already but well think say i will not move in will well hurt her feelings more. any ideas