puddingmouse wrote:
Does anyone have this problem of not feeling 'worthy' of the same sex?
If a woman was ever attracted to me, I'd think she'd need her brain/eyesight checking. I wouldn't trust her to be of sound mind and judgement. Yet, I have less of an issue with accepting that sometimes men like me.
I wish I knew where this comes from. It's not 'I'm fat and ugly' because I'm not that fat and I'm not ugly. I say it's 'cause 'I'm fat and ugly' as a rationalisation. It might be internalised homophobia, but then I wonder where I got that from. I mean, there is homophobia out there for me to internalise, but I've never come across anything as strong as my self-hatred.
Can anyone else relate to this?
I think it's simpler than that. You're fine with men finding you attractive because that's "safe" - it won't lead anywhere, so the outcome doesn't matter. It's like betting with pretend money - you can risk the lot on one hand of cards because it's just for fun. But women finding you attractive is important to you. You resist it, because it does have consequences. It matters to you.
"Fat and ugly" is not the cause of a lack of self-esteem. It's an expression of it, and usually comes from a distorted self-image, but it's far from the only form of expression. And yes, I can relate to it. I hated myself for many years before I finally learned how to accept myself, and now I know myself to be the intelligent, handsome sex machine that I really am.