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01 Apr 2013, 2:55 am

Hi whats it like you know sex with someone of the same gender?
this is a question for both men and women
men whats it like feeling the touch of another man?
women whats it like feeling the touch of another woman?


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01 Apr 2013, 4:18 am

I'm having a bit of a difficult time believing this is a serious question & not just some troll post.. but giving the benefit of the doubt:

It's sex, the same as all sex done for pleasure vs. procreation. It feels good. People are attracted to each other. They enjoy each other in many different capacities simultaneously. Physically, emotionally, intellectually, in metaphysical ways of feeling connected, possibly in love with one another.. etcetera and so forth. Gay or straight, sex between two consenting parties who are attracted to each other (or not? if that's the case and they're still doing it, whatever, have at 'er all you people want.) is all extremely similar. Sure, some body parts are different & obviously there are different sex acts etc, but all to the same end of giving & receiving pleasure.

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01 Apr 2013, 4:46 am

hey thanks for the answer


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02 Apr 2013, 12:43 pm

Touch is a complex problem for many people with ASD's.

Many of us have touch sensitivies, or aversions to unexpected contact. Recognizing that, there may well be a legitimate question about whether touch from a member of the same sex might be qualitatively different than touch from a member of the opposite sex. (Remember--the OP didn't ask what it was like to touch a member of the same sex, the question was what's it like feeling the touch of a member of the same sex.)

Ultimately, I think sexual touch differs from other kinds of touch, and it depends upon a mutuality of attraction. If a man touches me on the shoulder--fully clothed, and in a completely non-sexual context, then that is a very different thing than if a man touches me on the shoulder when we are both contemplating sex.

I expect (but I have no evidence to support my belief) that a heterosexual man would speak the same way about being touched by a woman, and how he would respond differently to that touch, depending upon the context.



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02 Apr 2013, 7:12 pm

Bend over and I'll show ya! 8)

But seriously I don't really know. I don't like being touched very much, so I doubt I'll ever find out. Plus I hate yeah...there's that. :cry:

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02 Apr 2013, 9:19 pm

Well, well, well, someone just eliminated all reasons to be embaressed over certain topics. 8) I think sex is sex.

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05 Apr 2013, 4:40 am

I read somewhere about "deep play", this notion of an activity people engage in without necessarily having an objective, without a goal or a time limit or even necessarily setting out to do it in the first place. something that absorbs you and in which you interact mentally and often also physically with your environment..."doing without doing". playing with your mashed potatoes, laying on the floor in the spot of sun coming through the window, next to your dog...when you and someone else who you see as a subject, not as an object, are experiencing each other physically with this kind of goalless playful (oddly personal for something so selfless) intimacy…that’s sex. looking into his eyes and seeing him looking into you and seeing each other seeing each other...and suddenly getting that sense of infinity that exists when you place two mirrors parallel to one another.

it's like...a lot of different things. it can be amazing and it can be lame, depending on who you're with, the context of the situation, and so on.

it's also sort of like playing and instrument. you get better with practice and as you learn what works for you and what works for who you're with.

moreover, I'm gay and I don't particularly enjoy either end of anal sex. sex is whatever kind of physical intimacy both you and your partner get into. there isn't any one penultimate sex act. "virginity" is a stupid concept and what constitutes "sex" vs "foreplay" is completely subjective.

in my opinion if you can laugh together during or after, it's all good. at some point someone is going to fart and someone else is going to whisper urgently into your ear at a restaurant "oh my god do I have cum in my beard?", and smiling and going with it and "no you got all of it out" is kind of half the point as far as I'm concerned.

it's not necessarily going to be more physically pleasurable than a mug of hot chocolate or burying your hand in a bag of lentils, and frankly you will probably always be better at giving yourself sexual pleasure than anyone else will be, but the aspect of emotional intimacy with another person is what makes it amazing.

my two cents anyway. passion is great but relationships are built on commitment, not physical ecstasy.

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