New AI can guess whether you're gay or straight from a photo
New AI can guess whether you're gay or straight from a photograph ... photograph
I personally am a Christian of the Catholic, Roman Catholic(Latin) rite , because there are also Greeko Catholics (Eastern Churchs/orthodox )
I do not know how many people, but for me the Bible really means something, I know right now, someone probably called me a fool or fanatic, etc.
I think Jesus Christ is most wonderful being ever walked on Earth
But other hand when i see good looking man whosoever is 18 years old teen guy, 40 years old or 90 years old senior guy (i wonder how can have keep so fit at that age while i have BMI over 30 and once had even 40 BMI! )
The point is when i saw good looking guy i have pleasant feeling, some time even sexual in nature while i don't want those feeling because it's not what nature and GOD intendent for us
Recently i come across article about gay detecting algorithm that can detect gay and lesbian people, i must to say i was terrified a bit, i have asperger syndrome i'm therefore i'm big fan of computers i think is common for most aspies around the globe i', also avid history lover and this remind this
t's not my fault that I was born gay if I could choose to be born heterosexual, because it's more comfortable. i'm homosexual but not practicing. (aside from masturbation and occasional fantasizing about some handsome guys
but i try to not do it, and now i do it less than i was in past. But in some countries gay and lesbian people are treated like Jews during Nazi occupation (of my country Poland)
Nazi used mathematical algorithms created by American company known as International Business Machines Corporation founded in 1911 making it's oldest IT company in the world, but some time technology can be used in wrong way such as in Nazi 3rd Reich
That AI experiment was based on photos from dating websites, and the photos of gay people were those of 'out' self-identified people who'd signed up to internet dating. They tried to control for differences in grooming, but that does skew the sample.
And the AI was no more accurate than humans making a guess. If you're worried that a computer can tell if you're gay or not, then you should be worried that people can, as well. It's not the software itself that's the issue: it's the fact that the experiment has 'proved', to some extent, that gay people look different to straight people. People will make use of this knowledge whether they have the technology or not.
Reading this news forced me to accept something I've secretly worried about in the past: that people will suspect I'm not straight just from my appearance. Yes, they probably can tell. In a country where homosexuality is accepted though, I have nothing to fear. If I lived in one of the many countries where gays and bisexuals were persecuted, I would be pretty terrified, to be honest.
This discovery means it's more important than ever to fight homophobia.
Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.
And the AI was no more accurate than humans making a guess. If you're worried that a computer can tell if you're gay or not, then you should be worried that people can, as well. It's not the software itself that's the issue: it's the fact that the experiment has 'proved', to some extent, that gay people look different to straight people. People will make use of this knowledge whether they have the technology or not.
Reading this news forced me to accept something I've secretly worried about in the past: that people will suspect I'm not straight just from my appearance. Yes, they probably can tell. In a country where homosexuality is accepted though, I have nothing to fear. If I lived in one of the many countries where gays and bisexuals were persecuted, I would be pretty terrified, to be honest.
This discovery means it's more important than ever to fight homophobia.
Exactly homophobia

I was bit homophobic too before i realized that i might by gay or bisexual at best myself

But Let's put aside the joke aside

The algorithm used by these scholars has been publicly available on the Internet
It's states that for now it's only 61%
I tested my pic, most Polish Right Wing politicians and some pro athletes (soccer player skateboarders) former and now (from age 18 to 70) on different photos, some of them was picked as gay more than often so to speak

and i feel a little terrified there and i thought that some of those athletes and politicians maybe gays, and they just chose not to speak about it to not lost their sponsorship or voters if people would learn that they are homo/bisexual
My face looks gay according to that website, in about 85% of pictures. No surprise there. I'm actually bisexual, and slightly more attracted to men (a Kinsey 2). But I did find that sort of funny. If I lived in Iran instead of Britain, it would be less funny.
My boyfriend is also gay, according to that website. He's really not - I can vouch for that My friend who is straight is also gay, as well. My friend who is gay!
Either me and my friends/partner are all a bit gay, or the website thinks everyone's gay. I don't know which it is I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people who I know are a little bit gay. Birds of a feather flock together. Then again, that website wants to get hits.
Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.
My face looks gay according to that website, in about 85% of pictures. No surprise there. I'm actually bisexual, and slightly more attracted to men (a Kinsey 2). But I did find that sort of funny. If I lived in Iran instead of Britain, it would be less funny.
My boyfriend is also gay, according to that website. He's really not - I can vouch for that

Either me and my friends/partner are all a bit gay, or the website thinks everyone's gay. I don't know which it is

This algorithm recognizes someone as gay or not based on the spacing of the eyes, hair, and, apparently, according to this algorithm, the more a man is more good looking the more is chance that he is gay

I get "detected" for most of my pictures...except for one where apparently I look straight (I'm gay). The rest of my pictures got the gay result. Fun fact, I also tried a picture of my friend who's straight and it said gay. Then I tried a picture of a friend who is gay...and it said straight.
Support human artists!
25. Near the spectrum but not on it.

In my opinion, it is best to test some of the best shots in a similar pose of a person, then in my opinion the result would be more reliable.
For example, when I'm weighing in on weight, I go up the scale several times or memorize the result and then divide by the number of measurements

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