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15 Mar 2012, 5:15 pm

Is anyone here having difficulity reconising anything sexual, such as attractions and so on? I don't label but I do get mild attractions for both genders, but that is just it nothing else. I could have all the features, but I dont reconise it, its like i'm between asexual and bisexual. I simply cannot connect emotionally with anyone fo find out that way. I may/may not have any form of Aspergers/Autism/Nuro etc. its one of those thing that is bugging me for a while.

"When you begin to realize your own existence and break out of the social norm, then others know you have completely lost your mind." -PerfectlyDarkTails

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15 Mar 2012, 5:31 pm

I know what you mean, although I think I tend to get attracted to men. But I'm not sure whether that's just because I have been raised in a heteronormative society. ^^


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15 Mar 2012, 8:41 pm

I have always had difficulty defining my sexuality. I suspect that I might be a lesbian, but I have never had any romantic or sexual experiences with other people to give me a clearer picture of my sexuality.


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09 Apr 2012, 2:15 am

PerfectlyDarkTails wrote:
Is anyone here having difficulity reconising anything sexual, such as attractions and so on? I don't label but I do get mild attractions for both genders, but that is just it nothing else. I could have all the features, but I dont reconise it, its like i'm between asexual and bisexual. I simply cannot connect emotionally with anyone fo find out that way. I may/may not have any form of Aspergers/Autism/Nuro etc. its one of those thing that is bugging me for a while.

My sexuality is like this too. Once in a while I get intense attractions, but they're just so rare and random. I'm also depressed so that might have something to do with it.

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09 Apr 2012, 9:57 am

Sexuality is fluid. I'm the same way - I sometimes (hell, often) get strong physical attractions or even cravings for certain people but don't really understand why, and I don't or can't ever act on them. Historically I've only been with two people, which reinforces my identity as pansexual...but sometimes I think I just like people in general.

I don't want to label myself anymore because I'm afraid I might "change my mind." I'm afraid that I might end up finding I'm not really attracted to someone at all; or, if I am, that I won't feel an emotional connection, which would make it feel empty and unfulfilling.

So yeah, I have the same difficulties. I'm practically about to give up trying to categorize's enough that I can't even understand why I get attracted to people!


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09 Apr 2012, 12:13 pm

Here's another thread with a similar theme:

I'm in a different situation, because I've been in the same hetero relationship for 23 years. But, as ThehouseholdCat says, maybe the reason I picked a man was due to my upbringing (although my parents are pretty liberal minded these days). I've had a brief same sex relationship, before I met my husband. I was just 16 then, so I was very young. These days, I'm attracted to my husband only, no-one else. I don't look at other people in that way at all. I'm more likely to look at a woman's body than a man's body, for the aesthetic pleasure (although my husband tops anyone else on that front, in my mind). However, I think that's the artist in me, not attraction (except for in the case of my husband, where it is definitely attraction). I also find people who are somewhere close to the imaginary boundary of the genders to be intriguing and desirable. In any case, I've no intention of ever acting on any desires (if that's what they are). I'm pretty certain that there's a chance I'd enter into a same sex relationship, if my marriage ever ended (which I really hope doesn't happen).

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09 Apr 2012, 2:05 pm

Hello PerfectlyDarkTails...

I don't have difficulty neither give a care about orientation labels. It's all pointless.

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09 Apr 2012, 3:59 pm

I seem to float between asexual and bisexual (although mostly asexual) but then again I've never been in a romantic relationship and give the small population of compatible partners, it's not something I've thought much about!


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09 Apr 2012, 4:39 pm

I'm the same. But due to generally not being interested in relationships, it is something I try not to think about.


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09 Apr 2012, 5:49 pm

I once read a book on bisexuality (sorry, I don't remember the name. It was several years ago) it dived into into many studies on bisexuality and compared it to other sexualities. According to the studies, peoples sexuality changes many times over the course of their lifetime. The changes are more frequent pre-26-years-old. At around 26, the change less frequent, if at all, but still occurs in some people.

When I was a kid, I only was attracted to females. Slowly I noticed I was starting to be attracted to guys as I went through puberty. Now at 22, I'm mostly gay but sometimes I do find a female attractive. I just call myself bisexual because I do have a history of being attracted to both sexes. Overall, I find myself attracted to less people than my peers.

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11 Apr 2012, 8:15 pm

Sane here, but the other way, and in a much shorter timespan.


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25 May 2012, 11:56 am

IdahoRose wrote:
I have always had difficulty defining my sexuality. I suspect that I might be a lesbian, but I have never had any romantic or sexual experiences with other people to give me a clearer picture of my sexuality.

This s exactly how I've felt for a while now and it's really getting to me because I am extreemly self Concious and I need yes or no answers to things, maybe's- especially big ones- really bug me. What puts me off confessing is that neither my best friend (who is very good with figuiring relationships and thinks I had a crush on a boy related to one of my interests) my Mum (who I know is quite disgusted by the whole same-sex couples idea- but would get used to it) or my psychologist seem to think I am. I am so confused and, as horrible as it sounds, would be really horrified to be sure I was a lesbian but there are a lot of things in my life I've had to learn to deal with.



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25 May 2012, 12:44 pm

I'm female and I definitely have a fertile woman's body, but I get "turned on" by next to nothing, other than being in very close proximity to another person in which I can kind of smell them and feel their body heat. Even in that case, most of the time I am not sexually aroused. I'm fairly sensitive to touch and pressure so sometimes I can become aroused if I'm being lightly or firmly touched in just the right way. It doesn't seem to me to be a gender specific thing. I can get aroused by seeing a woman in a movie or something if she's being portrayed in a sexual way, but I think that's mostly because the female body has traditionally been a symbol of fertility and/or a sexual object. I just look at it as appreciating aesthetics. :)


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25 May 2012, 3:26 pm

I've pretty much given up trying to figure it out. I pretty much never feel sexually attracted to anyone. I do sometime look at someone and think she/he looks good but it is more aesthetic than anything else.

I stopped fighting my inner demons. We're on the same side now.